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It hadn't taken them long to decide on a movie. Everyone was fine with watching Deadpool again. The movie didn't require a lot of thinking, they all liked it and it reminded them of Kingdom. During the intro, Minho got up and turned off all the lights. "Are you trying to save electricity or something", Seungmin asked. "I can turn it back on if you want to see me make out with my boyfriend more clearly," Minho said with a small growl. The question was met with several members begging for the lights to be kept off.

Felix was sitting rigid in the sofa, unsure about what to do with his body. Normally he would snuggle up to a willing member [pun intended], but he didn't feel comfortable doing that now. He was sure Changbin wouldn't mind, but Felix didn't want to snuggle with someone who didn't mind. He wanted to snuggle up to someone who actually wanted him to do it, and he desperately wanted that person to be Chan. Even though their skin wasn't touching, the young Aussie could feel Chan's body heat radiating from him, calling for him like a siren song.

Chan felt the tension in the younger's body, from how still he was sitting. It wasn't like Felix, and it made Chan feel bad. He bit his lip while speculating. The last thing he wanted was to make things even more tense between them. At least not tense like this. Bang Chan, stop being a fucking coward. This is Lixi! Just take the first step. Now!

After diminishing himself mentally for a few more minutes, Chan leaned closer to Felix. "Lixi, do you want to sit closer" he murmured. "Just let me know, and I'll make room for you to curl up."

Felix' adrenaline spiked immediately. Chan's closeness, his scent and his offer made his heart beat so hard he could hear it in his temples. His mouth went dry, making it impossible for him to say anything even if he had known what to say. But Felix didn't need any words – he just needed to move. He inhaled deeply, steadying himself, and then he scooted closer to Chan. He whipped his feet onto the sofa, making his upper body lean against Chan's side.

Chan immediately re-positioned himself, so his body was half turned towards Felix, making the younger's back rest comfortable against him. He draped his arm protectively around his sunshine, and pulled him even closer. It was the best Chan had felt in months. He inhaled deeply, finding enormous pleasure of having the boy so close to him. He never wanted to let him go. Why hadn't Chan suggested a Lord of the Rings marathon instead? Preferably with the extended versions?

Felix had no idea what they were watching on the big flat screen anymore. He was melting into the warm, firm chest behind him. Chan had even pulled him closer. He was holding him. Part of Felix wanted to cry with relief. Things weren't completely broken between them. Every minute in Chan's embrace healed him. Slowly all the hurt and grief was evaporating like smoke.

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