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"Oh.." Finney mumbles looking down "Something wrong Finney?" You ask walking into his bathroom to change "Nothing, uhm.. i'll go wait outside so that I can change after."
Finney said sighing and walking out the door.


You'd just finished changing and walked out the bathroom. "Finney i'm done you can come in now." You yelled out "Okay!" Finney said from downstairs, you could hear his footsteps walk up the stairs. Finney twisted the door handle open to reveal you sitting on the bed already dressed. "I'm gonna go wait downstairs as well." you said getting up from the edge of the bed and walking downstairs. After Finney got dressed he walked downstairs. "We should get going now Y/n." Finney says. You dressed up nice and comfortable nothing too much. You and Finney walked out, It was about 7:30 so the sun was purple and orange with a small tint of pink. You stood on Finney's porch and admired the sunset while Finney closed the door. "Ready to go?" Finney asked as he stood next to you "Yeah i'm ready."


You all arrive at the fair. "Hey you guys over here!" Donna yelled out to you both. As you walked over everyone greeted you and Finney "Hey Finney, Y/n." Bruce said bowing his head down slightly at your name jokingly. "What took you so long, for fucks sake." Vance asked aggressively "Nice to see you too Vance." You spoke giving him a look "Hey Finney and Y/n." robin says as you both said 'hello' back. "You all brought money for a bracelet right?" asked Donna. Everyone looked at Vance as he looked down playing with a strand of his hair. "I might've not brought any.." Vance said "Thought this might happen so I brought enough for two!" Bruce exclaimed, he seemed proud. "Bruce is the mom of the group isn't he?" Donna says smiling as everyone laughs. You all go in and pay for your bracelets. "Dude you see the Cyclone?" Robin says as he rapidly taps Finney's arm and looks up at the ride. "Yeah..kinda big don't you think?" Asked Finney "That's the point Finn! Wanna go on?" Robin says as he turns to Finney with an excited face at the second sentence. "We do." Vance jumped into their conversation with you beside him and Donna beside you. "Great so all of us will get on?" Robin looks at Finney who hasn't given him an answer yet. "Yeah we'll all go."

Your all in front of the line waiting to get on the ride next. Finney playing with his fingers and looking down. "You okay Finney?" you whispered to him, not trying to embarrass him in front of the others. "Just nervous never been on a big ride before in a while.." Finney says looking up then turning his head to face you. "Don't worry it'll be fun!" You get cut off just as you finish your sentence to the ride stopping and the small gate in front you opening to let you in. "Let's go Finney!" You say grabbing his hand and running towards the four seats that are together. Robin on the very right with Finney next to him, Vance was at the very left and Donna was next to you with you next to Finney. "This is gonna be so fun!" Donna laughed as she pulled the leather seatbelt thingy above her downwards, everyone else doing the same. As the ride started Finney shut his eyes tight. You grabbed his hand and once again, whispered "It's gonna be fine Finney i'm here for you."

(stop playing with the boy 😭)

The ride went back and forth then flipped over. Making Finney's grip that was already strong, even stronger. The ride slowed down, you all jumped off your seats and walked to the exit. "That's was so fun!" Robin says putting his arms over Vance and Finney. "Damn right it was!" Vance exclaimed loudly making people turn their heads "Yeah." Finney says with a faint smile on his face.

As your in line for your last ride, Finney pulls you aside. "Y/n i need to tell you something important." Finney says nervously looking around to see if anyone is around "Of course Finn you can tell me anything." you told him "I've liked you for a long time Y/n, not Donna. But I know you don't feel the same way because you like Robin and I can't change that. I just wanted to tell you because it's been killing me. Goodbye Y/n." Finney said as he walked away leaving you shocked but guilty.


Your in your room rethinking if you should like Robin anymore. You like Robin you hardly knew anything about him, on the other hand you and Finney knew everything about each other. Finney is funny and understands how you feel. You fell asleep knowing that you liked Finney, just couldn't bring yourself to admit it.

The next morning you woke up exhausted from last night. You took your covers off of you and sat up looking at your wall with horrible posture. 'I have to talk to Finn.' you thought while you stood up and walked to your closet. You got dressed and walked to Finney's house. Knocked on his front door and he answered half a minute later. "Oh, hey Y/n.." Finney said looking anywhere but your eyes. "Hey Finn can we talk?" You asked him "Of course." Finney says with an awkward smile on his face while he moves aside to let you in. You both walk up to his room. Closing the door Finney asked what you wanted to talk about, "You know what this is about Finn." You answered sitting on the edge of his bed as he sat next to you "yeah.." Finney mumbled. "Look Y/n I know you don't feel the same you don't have to say-" Finney was saying until you cut him off "Finney I like you too."  You said

"Wait really?" Finney asked "Yeah.. i've realized that you know me better then anyone." You say "Y/n....would you wanna be my girlfriend?" Finney spoke looking straight at you making eye contact.

(Very bold Mr. Blake 🙈)

"Of course Finn." you said smiling and laying your head on his shoulder.

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