Chapter 3

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Kuroko's POV

Aomine-kun and Kise-kun start fighting again. Annoying as ever.

"Let's leave *munch* those idiots *munch* Mido-chin, Aka-chin, and Kuro-chin~" Murasakibara-kun said while munching his snacks.

"OK. Let's go to our room. After you finish doing everything you want, you can play on the beach." Akashi-kun said as he drag me along with him.

"Come on, Tetsuya."

"OK, Akashi-kun"

We both walk to our own room. Akashi-kun opens the door and all our luggages is already there. The room is very big. There's only one bed there. But, the bed is king's size.

"We'll be sleeping together tonight, Tetsuya. So, I hope you enjoy." Akashi-kun said as he pull up my chin.

"I will, Akashi-kun."

"And, as long as we stay here call me 'Seijuurou', Tetsuya."

"Why do I have to call you that, Akashi-kun?"

"The answer is absolute. I love you, Tetsuya."

"Excuse me, Akashi-kun. I..."


"I think Akashi-kun just make joke just now. And, that's not funny."

"I'm not joking, Tetsuya. Do you accept me?"

"I-i like Akashi-kun too from the very first time I saw Akashi-kun." I said while blushing.

"Then, it means you humbly accept my feelings. Now, as I said, call me 'Seijuurou'"Akashi-kun said while smirking.

Akashi's POV

"I-i like Akashi-kun too from the very first time I saw Akashi-kun" Tetsuya said while blushing.

He looks so cute while blushing.

"Then, it means you humbly accept my feelings. Now, as I said, call me 'Seijuurou'"I said while smirking.


"I can't hear your voice, Tetsuya. I already close the room door so you can even shout out my name now. Nobody can hear you since my father made all the rooms can't receive and hear any sound from inside and outside. Shout all you want, Tetsuya~"


"More louder, Tetsuya. You almost make it."


He shout out my name and blush like a red tomato.

"Good, Tetsuya. Now, you're only mine and no others~"

"Not even friends?"

"You can have friends but no other lover. You understand, Tetsuya?"

"Yes, Akashi-kun."



"You look so cute, Tetsuya. I think I'll make you scream my name tonight~" I said while smirking.


"You will, Tetsuya." I said it with a smirk on my face.

Tetsuya blushes so hard.

"Ah! I remembered you can open that bag I give you already, Tetsuya."

He take out the bag and quickly open it up.

The clothes is...

Thx for all the votes you all give me! I hope you enjoy this short chapter.

If you have idea about the clothes please comment!

I'll be waiting for your comments. See you in the next chapter~

~Misaki Suo

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