Snow Day

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Author's Note: I have never seen snow before. I'm writing this chapter based on what I've read, seen in movies, or seen in anime and on TV. The one-shots aren't in any specific order, so some chapters may take place during the winter, while the next may take place during autumn.

~🥔Potato Pup🐶~

Jaeryeong stood on his hind legs, although he was still a bit too small, and was barely able to see out the window. "I can't see!"

Gijoo, who had been laying on the couch and watching TV, padded over to his pup and picked him up, allowing the smaller wolf to get a better view of the outside.

"Thanks, Dad!" Jaeryeong pressed his face against the glass pane, feeling the coolness of the material due to the freezing temperatures outside. "Why's it white outside?"

"That's snow," Gijoo explained, "It covers the ground in most places during winter."

Jaeryeong tilted his head slightly to the side and asked, "What's winter?"

Gijoo gently placed his pup back on the floor. "Winter is one of the four seasons," Gijoo informed, "It's the coldest season where, in most places, it snows a lot. Sometimes the ground freezes, making it slippery and dangerous to run on."

"Can I go outside and play in the snow?" Jaeryeong's tail wagged with excitement at the thought of a new experience.

Gijoo shook his head. "It's too cold. You'll get sick. Stay inside where it's warm and safe."

Jaeryeong was saddened, and his ears drooped down. "Okay."

Gijoo hated how his pup was now sad, but he didn't want his pup to get hurt. If he stays outside too long, he'll get sick. If he slips, he can break a bone or hit his head. I don't want Jae to get hurt. I won't fail him, like how I had failed the pups of my former pack. I'll protect him.

"Let's watch some TV," Gijoo suggested, "and then it'll be time for your nap."


If Cheongang hadn't taken us in, Gijoo silently pondered, how would Jae and I be right now? Would we have survived through the winter? That abandoned building we had been staying in wouldn't have provided us with much warmth or insulation. The river would have frozen, meaning we wouldn't be able to fish. We would have to rely on mainly the rats, but how many would we have been able to catch? How many would have escaped, leaving the building barren?

~🥔Potato Pup🐶~

Gijoo and Jaeryeong had both fallen asleep on the couch

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Gijoo and Jaeryeong had both fallen asleep on the couch. Doyoon entered the living room, and glared at the them. He hated how he had to live with them now, and he hated how he had to share Changhui's and Joowon's attention and affection with them.

Doyoon looked out the window at the snow, and a mischievous idea popped into his head. He had overheard Gijoo's refusal to let Jae play outside in the snow. He walked over to Jaeryeong and gently nudged his paw. 

"Jaeryeong," Doyoon said, "wake up."

Jaeryeong shifted a bit and lifted his head. He yawned and slowly blinked, and turned to look at Doyoon. "Huh?" He was a bit afraid of the other wolf because he knew that the black wolf didn't like him or his dad.

"Do you want to go outside?" Doyoon asked, "Do you want to play in the snow?"

"Yeah!" Jaeryeong excitedly nodded his head.

"Shh," Doyoon said, "not too loud. If you wake Gijoo up, he won't let you play in the snow."

Jaeryeong covered his mouth with his paws. He carefully climbed down from the couch without waking his dad up. Jae was practically jumping with joy.

"Come on, brat," Doyoon opened the front door. "Let's go."

After walking down a bunch of stairs, the two wolves exited the building. Jaeryeong stuck a paw into the snow, and he yelped loudly. "It's very soft and very cold!"

Doyoon picked Jae up and threw him into a large pile of snow. The wolfdog pup disappeared into the large chilly mound. A couple seconds later, Jaeryeong resurfaced and laughed, "This is fun!" He dug into the snow, and accidentally flung some at Doyoon's face. "Oops, sorry, Doyoon!"

"Hey," Doyoon pointed at the nearby hill. "Let's go up there."


Doyoon easily started heading uphill, while it proved to be more of a challenge for the pup. The snow was a bit deep, and Jae struggled to take each step. After a couple feet, Doyoon sighed loudly and picked the pup up. He carried him all the way to the top and dropped him onto the snow.

"Doesn't the view look nice?" Doyoon asked with an innocent smile.

Jae nodded as he watched the view. "I don't get why Dad didn't want me to play in the snow. This is really fun and nothing bad happened."

Doyoon promptly kicked Jae, sending him rolling downhill, and turning Jae into a growing giant snowball.


~🥔Potato Pup🐶~

Gijoo immediately woke up when he heard his pup's screams. He panicked when he saw that his pup wasn't with him. "WHERE'S JAE?"

Changhui, who had been sitting next to Gijoo and watching TV the entire time, answered, "Doyoon brought him outside to play."

"WHAT?" Gijoo ran over to the window and watched in horror as his pup rolled downhill, the snowball he was trapped in becoming larger each second.

The snowball reached the bottom of the hill, but the momentum allowed it to keep rolling towards the entrance of the building. The giant snowball hit Joowon just as he was about to enter the building.

"MAH PUPPY!" Gijoo bolted down the stairs.

Joowon managed to free himself from his snowy prison and found Jaeryeong on his head. 

Gijoo tackled Joowon, and hugged his pup

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Gijoo tackled Joowon, and hugged his pup. "Jae, are you hurt anywhere?"

"Nuh-uh!" Jaeryeong shook his head. "It was really fun! I had a blast today with Doyoon!"

"Doyoon?" Gijoo snarled in the other adult wolf's direction.

Joowon tapped Gijoo's back. "Remember, no fighting."

Everyone went back inside to warm up. Changhui made hot tea for himself, hot cocoa for Joowon, and hot carob for Jaeryeong and Gijoo. Although he approved of Doyoon bringing Jaeryeong outside to play, having thought that the two were finally getting along, he disagreed with Doyoon turning Jaeryeong into a giant snowball, no matter how funny it was. So, Doyoon wasn't allowed hot carob and instead got a bowl of hot water.

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