Blood Moon

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"Is it done yet?" Jaeryeong excitedly hopped from side to side, eagerly waiting to see his finished costume.

"Almost done," Changhui said as he sewed on the final touches, "And there: one baby shark pup costume complete."

"Hooray!" Jaeryeong jumped high into the air with joy. "I'm gonna go stab and treating as a shark!"

"It's called trick or treating, stupid brat," Doyoon said.

"Changhui told me we're gonna stab and treat," Jaeryeong replied.

"No one's going to stab my puppy." Gijoo protectively hugged Jaeryeong. "I'll kill them before they can even come near Jae."

"Did you know that it'll be a visible full moon for three days starting tonight?" Joowon skimmed through the article on his phone. "Tonight, Halloween night, and the night after. Oh, and they're all blood moons. Strange, a blood moon usually lasts for an hour and a half, yet this one will be lasting three whole nights."

"Three blood moon nights?" Changhui asked, "Do you think it's a sign that mysterious or scary events are going to happen starting tonight?"

"No," Joowon denied, "I just think it's interesting. Jaeryeong and Gijoo's first Halloween will be on a blood moon night."

"Ah!" Jaeryeong squeaked, "I'm stuck!" He had tried to put his costume on all by himself and ended up putting his head through one of the holes meant for his legs.

"Gijoo, be carefully when pulling it off," Changhui warned and rushed over to help them, "You might tear his costume."

Three nights with a blood moon, Joowon thought, I don't know why, but it feels rather ominous. I don't believe in the supernatural though, so I shouldn't be concerned.

~🥔Potato Pup🐶~

The blood moon appeared during dinnertime, and it shone brightly in the night sky. Inside Changhui and Joowon's dining room, the three wolves began to glow.

"Cool!" Jaeryeong said, "Look Dad, I'm glowing!"

"No, not cool!" Gijoo had never seen this sort of situation before, so he was at lost at what to do. The only thing he could do was hug his pup as close as possible. He feared that they might get separated.

"What the fuck?" Doyoon shook his fur, but it did not stop the glowing.

The next thing happened in the span of thirty seconds. Their bodies shifted, and their bones crunched loudly as they grew. All three wolves cried out in panic and once the glowing and shifting stopped, the three wolves were no more.

Instead, there were three humans there. Two of them, presumably Doyoon and Gijoo, appeared to be in their late teens. The youngest of the three, most likely Jaeryeong, was a five year old child. Fortunately, whatever transformed the wolves into humans had also magically given them clothes to avoid the awkwardness of them being naked.

"What the fuck just happened!" Doyoon shouted, "Why am I human!" He opened and closed his fists. "Where are my sharp claws!" He inspected his teeth. "My fangs are gone too!"

"Jaeryeong!" Gijoo grabbed his son and frantically began to check him for any injuries. "Are you alright!"

"I grew bigger." Jaeryeong cried and hugged Gijoo. "I can't fit into my sharky costume now!"

"It'll be alright, Jae," Changhui said, "I'll make you a new shark costume tonight. Then, when we go stab or treating tomorrow, you can wear it."

"Changhui," Joowon asked, "how are you calm about our canine unit transforming into humans?"

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