I found you part 1

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Hey everyone I know it's been a while since I've last been on here. I needed some time to catch my breathe from Wattpad and collect my thoughts on things. Now that I am back I am going to continue my book starting off with one that I owe a dear friend of mine.


It was a long cold night along the shores of Washington. A young girl with pretty pink hair and smooth white skin wore a hear fur coat as she walked along the beach coast lines. The past year had been tough on her as she had to watch so many friends of hers leave the state due to family matters or growing up.

As she walked close to the shoreline hugging herself as she still felt cold inside she notice a small explosion off in the distance. Looking up she couldn't believe her eyes. A ship coming from outer space was racing down towards the planets surface with fire surrounding it. The ship ended up crashing just a 100 yards away from her.

Out of instinct she raced off towards the crashed ship. When she got there some of the flames had been put out already from the impact against the sand. Crawling up onto the ship she noticed someone inside the hull of the space craft. Wiping away the dust and smoke on the glass she looked inside and could not believe her eyes.

It was a young female inside the ship, from the way she looked she was around the same age as her. Knocking on the window the girl yelled "Lady are you ok?!".

The woman trapped inside the ship gave no response to her. The girl began to sniff her nose as a gas leak like scent filled the surrounding area. Looking around her eyes widened in horror as she saw some green liquid dripping out from the ship. The liquid had already begun making a trail towards a small fire. But it didn't take a genius to understand how ships operate.

So with the strength that she had she grabbed onto the hinges of the ships glass hull and started pulling with all her strength. She ended up causing a few cuts into her fingers but was able to yank free the hatch. With the sound of the hiss releasing the trapped air inside the ship the girl grabbed onto the young woman and dragged her out.

Making a few feet the liquid finally made contact with the fire causing it to expand and travel up the river rather quickly. Once it made it to the engine the whole ship exploded sending both the females flying a few yards.

Rolling around in the sand for a bit the girl groaned heavily from the force of both the explosion and the impact of the landing. Forcing herself up onto her feet she looked over seeing the woman still unconscious on the ground in front of her.

She looked back real quick seeing the once wrecked ship now engulfed in flames. Knowing this would attract attention the girl forced through the pain that she was feeling and grabbed the woman limping away from the scene.

The travel took the girl about 90 minutes due to her limping, but arriving at home she was relieve that her family was off on a vacation. This meant that she wouldn't have to answer any difficult questions for the time being.

Taking out her key she unlocked the door and kicked it open. Limping inside she closed it behind her and brought the woman over to the couch. Lying her down the girl grunted a bit as her body was still immensely hurt from previous.

Taking a moment to catch her breathe the girl looked over at the unconscious woman. She admired the woman's choice of color and design ranging from her colorful armor to her hair. She unknowingly was beginning to blush from the sight of her.

When she caught herself blushing she smacked her face with both hands and mentally said 'Focus sabby now's not the time!'.

Getting up off the couch she grunted and started walking off towards the bathroom. Inside she grabbed some medical scissors and first aid. Making her way back to the woman she took the scissors and started cutting into the fabric of the clothing she was wearing as simply trying to take off the clothing would be too difficult.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2022 ⏰

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