Chapter Thirty-One: Lauren, Sunday

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Lauren took Joanie aside once Johnny crept back to his family huddle, tentatively putting hands on the shoulders of his sons. Before she turned away, Lauren saw Val reach for him, and husband and wife collapsed in each other's arms, sobbing, Johnny crying, "I'm so sorry," over and over again.

"Joanie," she said, "You know I had a look at the crime scene, right?"

Joanie nodded. "You admitted as much to the responding constables. Good call, I'd say, just in case they find your shoe prints or other trace evidence."

"I only stood in the doorway to check and see if there was anything I could do."

"I believe you," Joanie said. "We established you were here on behalf of a client, and that the target is one of the bodies in that room."

Lauren nodded. "Dr. Brian Beckham, yes. Did you see who else was in that room?"

Joanie nodded sadly. "Poor Fatima. I don't know who's going to break that news to her."

"Joanie," Lauren said, "you should know Omar was my client."

Joanie blinked in surprise and pulled out her notebook and pen. "Jesus, Lauren, why didn't you mention that before?"

"I was going to, but at the time you guys and the coroner were just establishing identity, and I was struggling with whether or not to break my client's confidentiality."

Joanie sighed in resignation and scribbled in her notebook. "You can't break their confidentiality if they're dead."


"So, what were you investigating about Dr. Beckham on Omar's behalf?"

"According to Omar, he was meeting clients off the books and outside of the hospital, performing procedures they didn't want made public. We only started tailing him yesterday, and this was the first time I was able to begin documenting a meeting."

"Who was he meeting, though?" Joanie asked in confusion. "The woman who was in there?"

Lauren shrugged. "Maybe."

"So, why was Omar in that room, if Dr. Beckham was meeting her?"

"That's a very good question."

Joanie thought about it for a moment. "Omar catches wind of this particular meeting and goes straight to the motel to confront him as he's meeting with the woman."

Lauren thought about it for a moment. "It's plausible, but why wouldn't Omar tell me he was doing it? He knows I'm tailing him. Why pay for my time if he's just going to do my work for me?"

"Good point." Joanie finished scribbling and put her notebook away. "I need to tell the detective in charge. I know you've given your story to the other detectives, but he's going to want to talk to you this time."

"Fine," Lauren said, sighing.

"Hang tight, okay?" Joanie said, turning and walking back down the driveway.

"I'm not going anywhere," Lauren called back.

Once Joanie was far enough away, Lauren pulled out her phone and opened her contacts, wondering if she should make the call today or wait until tomorrow.

She dialled.

"Hey, girl," Rachel answered tentatively. "What's up?"

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

Rachel snorted laughter. "No. We're not even in bed yet. We're still trying to make our way home from Bard on the Beach."

Lauren blinked in surprise. "Are you serious?"

So Sweet a Changeling: A Novel of the Terribly Acronymed Detective Club (Book 6)Where stories live. Discover now