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Before the story starts, let me first say that I will choose the surname because I just find it easier that way and Y/N will have a chosen family already and I may use them again on another fanfic.

Aiuchi Y/N
愛 'Ai' means love and 内 'Uchi' means inside.

Female, I may write for another gender in the future.

Aiuchi Fumiko /means 'intellectual'/(mother)
Aiuchi Yoshi /means 'silent or quiet'/ (father)
Aiuchi Ichiro /means 'first born child'/(older brother)
Aiuchi Kasumi /means 'mist'/ (baby sister)
Ichiro might be the only one who gets mentioned the most.

That feelings that just won't go away, eating you up and forever staying. What's it actually worth?

"How can I get over him Yams!? He's such an asshole but" Y/N groaned, complaining to her friend. It'd been the same routine for a year. She'd talk to Tsukishima, he'd insult her, she'd complain to her next and only other friend and the cycle goes on for the next day.

Yamaguchi preferred to call it the TsukkiY/N cycle. If he were to be honest, he'd already felt like he was a third wheel in their little tight-knit trio.

"I don't know how to handle crushes? Have you ever seen me handle mine?" Yamaguchi responded to her, which in return got him the usual response of a groan and then a "Shut up".

It just caused him to laugh.

"You two even sound the same, you know - apparently if you like someone you copy and mimic them," he says with a laugh. Y/N did not find that funny.

Throwing a pillow at him, she swerved herself up from sitting on her chair, head to the floor and her legs on the chair head to sitting up properly. "Take this seriously please,"

Humming, Yamaguchi replied happily to the fact that it was indeed a good idea and probably will get her to stop ranting to him instead for a while, "Why don't you write a letter to let your feelings out? Maybe I could even give it to him? He doesn't have to know it's from you,". It did pique her interest.

Y/N looked at him suspiciously, "I guess so. You definitely won't tell him?". She subconsciously fidgeted with her hands, the plan seemed undoubtedly perfect. Tsukki would know her feelings without having to know who it was even from.

As much as she'd want to write a handwritten letter, she figured it'd be better to type one up and then print it since he'd certainly be able to track the handwriting back to her since they'd been friends for years.

"I haven't told him in the past 3 years, what makes you think I'll tell him now?" Yamaguchi asked, raising his eyebrow.

"I suppose so."

"Time to write a letter then! Go, go!" Yamaguchi ushered her on.

Dear Tsukishima Kei,
I've never really written a letter for anyone before. Much less for someone like you who's probably judging this as you're reading. Had to write a letter for my thoughts, not that you'd get it.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2022 ⏰

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