Ranboo and Tubbo

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@Ranboo: Rapid flashes made his eyes hurt. Closing them didn't change anything, as if his eyelids didn't even exist. Ranboo felt uncomfortable in his skin, his back in an unbearable amount of pain. The scent of smoke and burnt flesh was in the air, it was like smelling death itself. A massive, three-headed creature screeched at Ranboo, a noise so eerie that it makes you want to rip the flesh off your bones. He was shivering, yet sweating. The only emotions the man could pick out of the chaotic cloud inside of him were fear, guilt, self-doubt and plenty of negative ones. Nothing about this was positive. This was worse than hell, worse than any torture imaginable. He wished to just die on the spot. Purple fire embraced him. Ranboo shot up, gasping. It was quiet and dark. He had gripped his blanket, his face displaying pure horror. The uneasy feeling from his nightmare remained, but the man didn't think much about it, he blamed this dissociative feeling on the sudden awakening. He groaned, forcing himself out of bed. Ranboo's ears were ringing, any outside noise being drained out. He moderately headed for the bathroom, the darkness accompanying him on the way there. The man squinted his eyes as he flipped the bathroom's light switch. Ranboo glanced down at the sink, his eyes wandering towards his toothbrush. It appeared minusculer than usual. Now that said realisation was made, he noticed that everything seemed a bit out of persective. Ranboo's fatigued hand went for the toothbrush, but as soon as the hand came into his vision, he was reassured that something was really, really wrong. What was up with his suddenly abyss-black skin colour? The man steadily redirected his gaze towards the mirror. Ranboo let out a horror-struck shriek as response to seeing his reflection. He stumbled backwards, wanting to get away as far as possible from the enderman that was staring back at him through the mirror.

'This can't be! This must be a dream!' he knocked over an empty glass, resulting in it shattering on the tiled floor.

@Tubbo: He felt himself being atrracted to some flowers that were out on the open field. He seemed oddly at peace, moving over to the flowers and sitting down on one, not registering it's size. Then, he climbed into it, picking out it's pollens. As he left the flower, pollens all tucked away safely, he went to go back to his home, which he obviously knew where it was, tho as he made his way down the field and onto the dirt road, he started noticing that this wasn't the way to this home. In fact, he didn't even know this way existed, but his body, not being controlled by him, dragged itself down the path, determined of it's way. After a while, he stated hearing loud flapping of wings behind him. Having thought it was Phil, he turned around to greet him and possibly ask him what was going on, even if it sounded weird. But when he turned around, he didn't see who he wished he had. Instead, it was a big crow, much, MUCH, bigger than him, which was weird considering the size he saw the birds as in his original view. That's when it clicked, he was small, VERY small and that bird was going to devour him. Speeding up, he started rushing to whatever hiding spot he could find, tho there wasn't much since he was in a clearing. After a while of 'running' around, he started to see a forest in the distance, hurrying over to it and out of the bird's way as it lunged for him, beak wide open to catch his little body in it and devour it. He gasped, noting how close the call was and that the bird had almost caught him. Managing to muster up the strengh required, he sped up even more, now rushing at the woods at record speed, heading straight for the treeline, hoping to escape the bird if he weaved his way through the branches. Wishing to go up and into the branches and leaves, he felt his wish coms true, levitating into the greenery and making his way throught the branches as planned, the crow still hot on his heels. As if punishing him, he soon saw a row of branches blocking his way. The bird was getting closer with every passing second and he couldn't give up now, not when he had already gotten this far. He frantically looked around, loking for any way to escape as the bird quickly made it's approach, snapping it's mouth open to peck at him. Just as the bird was about to reach him and close it's beak around him, he saw a small hole in the bottom row of the branches, making his way out of the bird's mouth in the nick of time, tho not before it managed to rip off a small piece of something on his back, making his levitating much harder as he started falling lower and lower to the ground. Just as his body was about the hit the ground, he heard a faint noise in the distance, than a loud 'CRASH!' and that's when he sat up, rubbing his eyes and realizing that all of this was just a crazy dream. Much rather a nightmare. Having thrown the blanket off of his legs, he swung them over and off of the bed, quickly rushing into the bathroom to investigate the weird noise he heard while rubbing the remaining sleep from his right eye. But what he saw in there made his eyes widen, him rubbing them again in hopes of having hallucinated it, or have it been another dream, but as soon as his fingers left his closed eyes which opened again, he saw it. There was no mistaking the long, slender body of the enderman which stood before him. He let out a shrill shriek, moving to back up but ending up slipping on some of the glass and falling backwards right onto where the glass had broken, cutting his hands which were streched out behind him to soften his fall. He quickly pulled them back, hissing at the stinging pain while looking at the few shards that stuck out of his flesh, making nausea wash over his body, giving him a strong longing to just throw up. He held it in tho, gagging as he turned his hand so the back of it was facing him, thd placed that against his mouth to calm the burning sensation in his neck, tho that action had caused sever pain to shoot up his arm.

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