Dream Team

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At the dream team's house.

@George: A foul stench was hanging in the air, weighing heavily on George's sense of smell, a wave of nausea washing over him at the putrid smell which was penetrating his nose. He looked around at his surroundings, searchinh for the possible source of the stench, only to wish that he hadn't. As he shifted around to get up, he felt he was sitting on something limp and soft, yet cold. He moved to get up, noticing how whatever it was that was under him felt like human limbs. George reached a hand up to push the glasses from his face and into his hair, turning around to a sight that shocked him to the very core, causing him to jump back and shriek when he saw where he was sitting. A pile of unmoving, bloodied and rotting bodies. 'How long have they been there to have started rotting?!' He thought, panicking internally as he frantically looked around, hoping to be greeted with familiar surrounds which to his dismay, just wasn't the case. As if the dead bodies weren't already enough of a scare, he saw that a hand started twitchibg under the pile. In his half absent state of mind, he thought it might be a survivor just like him and rushed over, grabbing the hand and tugging at it, soon revealing the head of a woman, her hair standing up from portions of her head, making it look like a bed head. Little did he know, he was helping an undead person get free from under the heavy pile. It only registered as the head started moving, snapping up to reveal a set of rotting teeth, a gashed wound on the right side of the face, the 'creature's' eyes glazed over in a sickly white, making it's appearence ten times scarier. Letting out a small gasp, he let go of the hand he was pulling at, stumbling backwards and falling over what seemed like a still fleshy leg, just tossed to the ground carelessly as if it were rubbish. What made all of this worse was the smell that left the undead woman's mouth. George felt like he had smelled death itself, causing him to gagg as he quickly got up, trying to get away from the scene but more and more bodies started showing sighns of life and began moving. As unnerved as he was by this, he knew he had to find a way out but... how? There was nothing around him he could use as a weapon, nor was there anything he could use as protection. He helplessly watched as the bodies got up, shuffling towards him in a mass tangle of limps, the sickening sound of snapping and cracking bones to be heared coming from all sides, moans leaving the undead's mouths. They kept getting closer and closer, circling in on the poor heterochromia man who cursed himself out for not fleeing while there were still not as many up and alive again. Unable to distribute to anything, he just stood there, shaking in fear and watching as they closed in on him. The one closest to him streched it's hand out to reach for said male, about to touch it before George jolted awake, sitting up in bed. "Urgh..." he groaned. "Such a stupid dream. It was so vivid too!" He spoke to himself, slightly raising his voice, tho being careful not to wake the others up. He heard his stomach rumbling, feeling a strong need for something meaty, something juicy. He got out of bed, still rediculously sleepy even tho he had gone to sleep early, but I guess it was the nightmare that made him feel that he missed out on half of the sleep he actually got. Feeling like a fatigued zombie, no, never mind, he wouldn't want to use that word for a while, he made his way to the door, opening it half aware, the drowsiness still weighing him down, making him wish he were in bed, but his hunger was more overwhelming and therefore won the choice over whether to stay in bed or go get something to eat. He found himself absentmindedly wandering the halls, following his sense of smell which revealed a delicious scent to enter his nose for a change, eventually ending up in Dream's room, dragging himself over to his bed and staring down at him, his stomach letting out another growl.

@Dream: "Stop!-" the man laughed, as he splashed water at his friend. They were at a lake, swimming and goofing around. George was repeatedly attempting to push Dream below the surface, without much success. At the lake's shore, Sapnap made an effort to convince Bad to join them in the water, who in response just pulled up his sunglasses like a savage. George, who was still struggling to overpower his friend, called out to Sapnap for backup.

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