Thought 08 | Red in Flags

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Sinking deep like a well,
Words pierce like swords, my heart aching spell.
Unveiling the truth I never thought would come to light,
Leaving me behind, unanswered, in the night.

Is it just me,
Or were your words a blindfold, making me unable to see?
I placed my trust in you,
Only for it to be squandered and shattered, leaving me blue.

Your deceitful words painted a false rainbow,
But as tears cascade like a waterfall's flow,
I finally see the true colors you show.

As my fears intertwine with tears, the red in flags appears,
A symbol of warning, signaling my deepest fears.

I yearn for a lifeline, a rope to pull me from this emotional well,
Where unspoken emotions dwell, a turbulent swell.

The Author's Thoughts: YOU ARE NOT ALONE (On-going)Where stories live. Discover now