Chapter 6 - GreyStone Academy

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Chapter Six

GreyStone Academy

"It's really dark in here." Sara reached out, testing the space around them as they crept forward from the second portal.

"Careful," Josh warned. "Last time I almost went headfirst down a set of stairs."

A small amount of faint light filtered in through an open doorway. Unlike the beautifully carved archway of Bevall, this portal consisted of nothing more than three roughly hewn slabs of stone, balanced awkwardly on each other to create a rudimentary doorway.

"Whoa!" Sara nearly toppled over a thick, velvet rope placed around the portal like a museum exhibit.

"Maybe we're not supposed to be here." She said.

"I'll apologize later." Josh ducked under the velvet rope and went through the open doorway. To the right he saw nothing but darkness, but to the left, illuminated by a faint glow around it, he saw a door.

"That way?" he pointed.

"That would be my first choice," Sara agreed.

When they reached the door, Sara turned the handle. "It's unlocked." She pushed it open. "Go ahead," she motioned to Josh.

"Gee, thanks. Next time, you get to go into the dark, scary place first."

Josh stepped through the door. "Wow, this room is huge. You could fit my whole school gym in here."

Despite the sparse lighting, much of the room was visible. A long row of narrow counters divided the room into two sections. As they moved forward, their footsteps echoed through the empty room.

"Geez, it sounds like a herd of elephants," Josh cringed.

In front of them, a painted sign hung above a wide reception desk. Destination Coordinator, and stenciled below the sign was the name Bruce Trundle.

"See anything familiar?" Sara pointed to a line of booths like the one in the round room.

"Hey! There are more over there," Josh pointed to another line of booths.

Seven booths bordered each side of the large room. More velvet rope created orderly lines in front of each booth.

"What do you think they are?" asked Sara.

"I don't know," Josh pointed to the ropes. "Whatever they are, it looks like you have to stand in line to use them."

A few small, burning lamps flickered about the room, but they did little to brighten the darkness. Something rippled in the air above them.

"Are those banners?" Josh asked.

Sara squinted in the darkness, reading from the silken material floating above her. "They look like travel advertisements." She read aloud. "Need a romantic getaway? Lunair, the romantic world of night awaits you. You'll enjoy strolling under her two enchanting moons."

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2015 ⏰

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