Chapter One - Summoned to the Gallery

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Chapter One

Josh stood outside the Dunbourne Art Gallery, a knot forming in his stomach. The Phoenix heat sent little beads of sweat trickling down his face and back. He wiped away the annoying trails and looked around the empty streets. The red bricked building seemed as deserted as always, no cars in the parking lot, no people milling around the sidewalks. Everything looked the same, except, something was off. Why would his mom want him here, in the middle of a school day?

He reached for the door to the gallery and jumped when it swung back by itself. Mr. Dunbourne, his mom’s boss, appeared.

Josh, come in my boy.” Mr. Dunbourne stepped past him and took a few quick glances in each direction, then pulled the door shut and locked it.

Josh’s stomach tightened. He’d known Mr. Dunbourne all his life. The man could be peculiar, but this was odd, even for him.

“Where’s my mom? Is everything okay?”

Mr. Dunbourne hurried past him toward the staircase, never making eye contact. Josh didn’t follow. He crossed his arms over his chest.

“Mr. Dunbourne!”

Mr. Dunbourne turned back. “I’m sorry, Josh. Everything is fine. Trust me. But you need to come with me, now.” He continued to climb the stairs. “I promise I’ll explain everything.”

Josh let out a huff. Gown-ups rarely, if ever, explained everything. He hustled to keep up with Mr. Dunbourne and his long strides. The corridors, lined with artwork by people whose names he’d never heard, stretched on forever—until they reached his mother’s office.

“I need you to wait in here for a little while.”

Mr. Dunbourne reached for the doorknob, but Josh slung a mouthful of questions at him.

“Where is my mom? Will she be back soon? What am I supposed to—” he stopped mid-sentence as the door opened. Those questions slipped from his mind when he saw the dark-haired girl seated in one of the chairs near the window.

“Josh,” Mr. Dunbourne motioned toward the girl. “This is Sara Devenshey.”

Josh just stood there, staring one of those I’m-a-total-geek kind of stares. But he couldn’t help himself, this girl looked so familiar. She looks like my mom? That was too weird to even think.

Mr. Dunbourne shifted his weight, twisting his fingers in his hand. “Sara is the daughter of another art broker, like your mother.” He clasped his hand on Josh’s shoulder. “And this is Josh Ryan.” He said to Sara.

“Hi.” A tingling sensation crept up the back of Josh’s neck leaving a trail of heat. He bit down on the inside of his already raw cheek.

“Hello.” Sara stood.

“I, um, I have to take care of a few things.” Mr. Dunbourne backed himself into the doorway. “I’ll be back shortly.”


The word came too late. Mr. Dunbourne had darted from the room—without the promised explanation.

Josh studied the empty doorway. He peeled off his backpack and dropped it to the floor. Great! What am I supposed to do now?

“So . . .” Sara’s voice yanked him out of his thoughts. “You’re waiting for your mom?”

Josh nodded. “She sent this taxi for me, I mean, she never sends a taxi. She never lets me come here during the day . . . not that she doesn’t let me come during the day, just not a school day.”

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