Met you at the coffee shop

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Ruel's POV:

The sun leaks through the curtains as I rise from my bed. Coco's movie is still going for some stupid reason like she's rewatching it mistakenly but I don't actually mind. I can't stop thinking about the girl I talked to last night, her name was...y/n? She seemed okay, even though she basically stole her friend Georgia's phone haha. I don't even know what she looks like, how can I even THINK about her now? What does she look like?

I realise that I need something to get y/n off my mind.

"Ruel darling we are going to the fisherman's cafe' today for Sylvie's work experience. Would you wanna tag along?" says mum, poking her head through the door. Perfect. I'll go to the cafe', watch Sylvie make some bitter-ass coffee that will burn my parent's taste-buds for the next two years and hopefully stop thinking about y/n! I'm even gonna leave my phone behind, I can't think about her in the process of forgetting her.

>>>>at the cafe'<<<<

"Oi mum the stupid grinder looks like it's about to explode!" exclaims Sylvie, worry in her voice. Coco stands across the counter laughing and filming as Sylvie and mum hold the lid down on the coffee grinder and brown beans spill everywhere.

"God Coco stop filming you wart!" hisses Sylvie through gritted teeth.

"Don't worry i'll tag you!" she cackles, flipping her blonde hair behind her ear. I sit across from Dad who is laughing alongside Coco, I try to join in but Sylvie and Mum shoot me a death stare.

"Kate tell her to stop she's gonna set fire to the whole cafe'!" chuckles Dad.

"Ralph!" says Mum sharply, throwing a napkin at him. The work-experience man comes out to help Sylvie. The cafe' opens and people rush inside, waiting for coffee's. Along trot a few teenage girls, one with a purple streak in her hair, the other with bright pink.

"Omg gurl look I think it's the Ruel boy!" she giggles to her friend. I overhear them talking about me and go quiet. The one with the purple streaked hair tiptoes over to me, a picture of me in hand.

"Yoooo, hey Ruel Van Dijk I'm like, seriously a big fan and was wondering if you could sign this lil pic?" she questions in a weirdly annoying american accent. She sounds almost bored. I look down at the photo of myself; What.a.prick. I'm gonna sign right over my eyes because my face looks like i'm pooping.

"Here you go, have a great day!" I pronounce, forcing a cheesy smile on my face. She grins at me and snatched the picture out of my hands and displays it to her friend, who is too shy to come up to me. I smile at her friend with pink hair, she looks down, then back up, and shoots me a nervous wave. I wave back. We stare at eachother for a moment until a loud noise erupts from the front door.

"Yo bitches Imma get my medium coffee two sugars if there no cream i'll CRY." exclaims a dark skinned, american girl. She has long, braided black hair, and a white crop top with baggy jeans. Beside her is a girl with brown/black/blonde/other hair and light/dark eyes. She is pretty, but nothing compared to the girl who walks in next. Short, shoulder length blonde hair, tan skin and bluey green eyes. It reminds me of-

Georgia Dyer.

In the flesh.

There she was, the girl who I was talking-to's friend. Wait a second, is y/n she that loud dark skinned girl? Or is she-

"Hey y/n what's your order?" asked Georgia to the girl next to her. It was her. It was y/n.

Yeah, screw forgetting her. I need to talk to her.

Ew what the heck am I thinking! I don't even know her!

"Holy fuck-"

Never mind, the dark skinned girl just noticed me. She is starring at me and whispering something to Georgia. I get up without thinking and head over to talk to them.

"Heeeey you're Georgia Dyer right?" I say stupidly, brushing hair behind my ear. Ew what am I thinking.

"Yeah! And you must be..." she replies, obviously stunned by my weird confrontation. 

"Uhhh Ruel." I exclaim a little too loud. Everyone in the cafe' looks at me. I shrink down into a chair like a weirdo.

"Oh my god! It's so nice to meet you!"  

"You too!" 

Both of us have a small hug and then we take a selfie for instagram. She introduces me to Maya (the dark skin girl) and her other friend, y/n.

Y/n turns around after hearing her name mentioned, and almost slams her face into me. She lets out a little shriek which catches Sylvie off guard and makes her spill coffee all down her apron. All of a sudden, Coco gasps and runs towards Georgia. 

"Omgggg Georgie!!!!" she squeals, pulling Georgia into a tight hug. The two girls chat while me and y/n stare at eachother awkwardly. Maya doesn't let the silence sit for one minute though, and seconds later, she's already acting like we're besties.

"Soooo Ruelio, which school do you go to?" she asks, looking into my eyes micheviously.

"Uh I quit school when I was um, 16. For the music industry. Didn't have time, you know." I ramble on. God I sound dumb as heck.

"Uhh okay well you got a girlfriend???" Okay, i'm pretty sure if I answer that i'll be humiliated.

"Well, I did-"

"Omg what happened i'm so sorry!!!!" she exclaims, again, making the whole cafe' including Sylvie jump.


Everyone in the cafe' was silent from then on, and no more coffee's were spilt. No one's head was shoved in a blender, I promise.

Dad quickly picks up conversation with Maya talking about grandpa shit to make sure she stays quiet, which left me with y/n.

"Sooo y/n how are you?" I ask, desperate for the awkwardness to go away.

"I'm doing okay, you?" she replies rather plainly. I am about to say 'stupid' but I hold it in the back of my throat before I say something i'm gonna regret.

"Fine. Totally fine." 


This is so awkward it's not even funny.

That was until Sylvie came along with two coffee's for us, we are shoved down into chairs by Mum and we are forced to drink horrid looking concoctions that look like 10 million people puked up all back into the same cup. 

"Drink up or Sylvie's gonna kill y- you need energy drink up!" wheezes Mum, green in the face with her own coffee in her hand. She gags and runs toward the bin urgently.

"Well how bad could it be?" smirks y/n through gritted teeth.

"You'd think you can't get much worse than black coffee, but Sylvie's puke-shit is an exception to that theory." I chuckle. Y/n giggles with an adorable laugh, her face lights up when she smiles. Snap out of it Ruel!

"Haha! On the count of 3, 2, 1-"

We pour the putrid liquid down our throats, gaging and running to the bathroom in sync. 

After about thirty minutes of running to the bathroom and back, me and y/n finally sit down and continue to talk.

"Omg I only puked once!" proclaims y/n, her light/dark eyes shining. She catches my gaze for a second until I remembered she just said something.

"Lucky, I think I filled the toilet!" We both burst out laughing until we can't breathe. Coco see's us, and takes a snap. I break out of the laughter to shoot her a quick death stare, and when I see what she has sent me on snap chat, I wince.

Coco: Little bro's got a girlfriendddd!!!

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