Too Many Feelings (loool)

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Y/n's POV:

I watch as Ruel and Georgia walk to their bus home. Something makes me feel uneasy, something makes me feel stupid. Seeing them being so happy and open with eachother makes me feel like a third wheel. Maybe he just talks to me to be closer with Georgia? She is way prettier than me anyways. She has the biggest chance with him.

I still can't deny that I like Ruel though. But I feel like a fool for believing he might like me back. He is acting so uninterested in me. That's probably because he is. I decide to list reasons why he might like Georgia on my digital notepad.

Georgia: Speaks music, is flirty, speaks boys, is interesting, is beautiful, is smart, is in all senses.....better, than me.

I want to call out to Ruel. I want to just talk to him and tell him how I feel. But there are too many feelings.

>>>>>>>>>time skip to that night<<<<<<<<<<<<

I text him. It's 3 in the morning and i've been thinking about Ruel all night.

Me: Sorry about being so stupid earlier on.

What if he ignores me? What if he hates me?

Ruel: Whoa there! You're not stupid?!!

Me: I am, I feel like such a third wheel to you and G. She's beautiful and im just normal. I am dumb asf and i like you more than friends.

Ruel: Georgia is beautiful,

I knew it. He likes her, not me.

Ruel: But she doesn't make me feel like you do. She doesn't give me butterflies when I walk by her. And the reason is, because I only like her as a friend. She only likes me as a friend too. I like you alot y/n, maybe more than a friend. I need time though to work it out. Too many feelings.

I think I may die of shame.

I've only known him for like 4 days and I'm confessing feelings for him. I feel like an idiot.

Just like he said, too many feelings.

Ruel's POV:

I honestly don't know what to think.

Me and y/n have only known eachother for like, 4 days. I know I like her more than a friend, but I hardly know her. It's way too early to be in a relationship. I know I lied about one thing though.


I am so unsure about her. I feel like I have known her for years cos she's so open to me. I'm open to her because I feel like I can trust her. I actually might like her more than a friend, but she has kinda made it obvious she doesn't like me more than friends after a while of texting. I'm going to text Georgia and ask for advice.

Me: G, I need help.

G.D: Stuck in an old mans basement? I'll call 000

Me: Noooo

G.D: Kidding, whats up bro?

Me: Y/n told me she likes me, I told her i'm not ready. She isn't replying to me, she's ignoring my other texts and i'm lgt so scared



Me: Yeah


Me: I need advice.

G.D: So, she's ghosting you because you kindly rejected her looool

Me: No I didn't reject her!

G.D: Sounds like u did Ruelio

Me: Aw now I regret my life choices

G.D: Don't worry. I'm probably gonna get rejected very soon lol

Me: oOoO you like someone?

G.D: Totally crushing on them

Me: Sus


Me: Okayyyyokayyy

G.D: Idk what they will think of me. They kinda always hint that i'm stuck up.

Me: aww

G.D: Enough about me. Text her these exact words.

Me: Kk

G.D: Hey y/n. I never 'rejected' you I promise. I am just not ready for a relationship with anyone. Don't ghost me, I still really like you as a friend. Love, Ruel.

I'm taking the 'love, ruel' bit off but the rest is gold. Time to send it.

*Uses the power of cOpY aNd PaStE*

Me: Hey y/n. I never 'rejected' you I promise. I am just not ready for a relationship with anyone. Don't ghost me, I still really like you as a friend. Ruel.


Y/n: Mkay. Ruel.

I don't wanna reply honestly. It's fucking 3:30 in the morning mf's (edit: It's actually 3:30 in the morning readers hahahah)

So, I guess I'll wait till tommorow.

Heyy this chapter SUUUUCKED but drama is about to go ooooff so like. Also if u need something explained just comment and i'll reply <333 Love, Sofi xx

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