Chapter 3- Battle in the Castle Corridor

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The next morning, we all woke up, packed up our stuff before we went through the forest.

After a few minutes of walking, we found a portal.

"Guys, this doesn't seem good, get your weapons ready." I said.

I grabbed the Vampire Killer which was attached to my belt, Arikardo did a stance with his sword, Xavier pulled out his from the scabbard attached to his belt and did the same thing and Alexa prepared to use magic.

We all slowly approached the portal before we ran to it.

All in a sudden, we were all in a courtyard of a castle...

"It's Dracula's Castle..." Xavier said.

"I can sense my father's power, you are indeed correct." Arikardo said

"Let's waste no time." I said.

We entered the door on the wall of the castle ahead of us which lead to a corridor.

There were skeletons, axe armors, zombies, amalaric snipers, and malachis inside.

"I terrify them, Alexa disorients them, Arikardo and Xavier goes over the top and we support them." I said.

"Yes." Alexa said

"Understood." Xavier said.

After five seconds of silence, Arikardo broke it and said, "Begin."

Arikardo POV

My memory of the battle was, really blurry, all I remembered was that things were really intense and Alexandra took out alot of monsters.

This adventure just makes me feel that I am once again fighting alongside Sypha Belnades, Trevor Belmont and Grant Danasty once again.

Soon, the number of monsters in the corridor decreased, we took down the remaining ones.

The door we used to enter the corridor opened before a bunch of soldiers came pouring in. We literally forgot that my mentor and Xavier's father, Johnathan Morris, told us that some men from the military would arrive here the next day.

We turned round to face them. "The cost is-" before Xavier could finish, we heard the sound of wings flapping.

The four of us, along with the soldiers looked round to find where the source of the sound is from until we saw a bat. There was another blinding flash of light, the bat was gone, there is a pale man with a long robe standing in front of us instead right now.

"Father..." I said.

"Ah, I didn't expect this many visitors." Dracula said with mock politeness.

He looked at Julius, then turned his head to Xavier. "You two..." Dracula said. "The scent of your bloods, you two are a Morris and a Belmont."

"Hydro Storm!" Julius shouted pointing at the ceiling,

Before it started raining holy water, my father quickly turned into mist.

"I shall not go easy on you, Belmont, we shall meet again." Dracula said before he flew out to the nearest window.

"We gotta get going to reach the throne room." Alexa said.

All of us along with the soldiers agreed, we walked through the corridor, no more monsters were around here, soon, we reached another door, we opened it and went inside, leading us to a place resembling a chapel...

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