Chapter 6- Close to the End of the Story

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Arikardo POV

We have arrived inside the Clock Tower.

It was filled with multiple monsters and of course, Medusa Heads, me and every man who dared oppose my father despised them.

"Oh great, Medusa Heads, Johnathan told me about them once..." Julius said.

I looked at him. "Who is he?" I asked.

"My old man." Xavier said. "He's the one who trained Julius."

I sighed. And stared at the monsters ahead.

Soon, there was bloodshed in the Clock Tower, alot of us had a hard time dodging and taking down Medusa Heads that some of us kept getting knocked back or turned to stone for a few seconds before turning back to normal that Julius had to use Hydro Storm along with the other Item Crashes alot of times just to keep them away from us.

I have a feeling that Death will meet us soon.

Xavier POV

"ARGH THIS MEDUSA HEADS ARE SO ANNOYING, THEY KEPT KNOCKING AND TURNING US TO STONE!" I yelled in frustration as I got knocked back by a Medusa Head to a wall.

"We're all in the same boat here, you know!" a soldier who ran past by me yelled.

"Yeah, yeah whatever!" I said standing up before throwing a knife at a Medusa Head who was a few inches away from my face. I slashed it with my sword. It bursted into flames.

I sighed. Wonder how hard it is for everyone who opposed Dracula to take these floating heads down.

Later, after taking down multiple monsters and getting hit and turned into stone by Medusa Heads, I saw a trapdoor on the floor. I walked to it and opened it. It wasn't locked or something. I can't see down it because the room in there is so dark. "Guys I found a trapdoor h-" before I could finish, Alexa screamed, "Xavier, behind you!", I felt a Medusa Head hit me from behind, I fell in the trapdoor. The next thing I knew was I hit some floor.

And... Yep, I think I blacked out...

Alexa POV

I sighed and made a small fire for me on my left index finger. Good thing I casted a spell on myself before going to the Clock Tower which makes falling slow. I jumped in the hole. I also casted another spell on me awhile ago which allows me to teleport to a place I know, I can also bring people along with me if I use it as long as we all hold each other's hands.

I began to fall slowly.

"Xavier! If you can hear me, say "yes!" I shouted.

No response from Xavier.

Soon, I felt ground beneath me. I searched around.

I could still hear the muffled sounds of battle from above so I wasn't that nervous looking for Xavier by myself.

Soon, I heard some gasping and panting. The sound grew louder and louder. I sighed and prepared to burn the face of whatever that thing was. I turned round and pointed my index finger on it. Turns out it was Xavier.

I sighed.

"Why didn't you say "yes"? We would've been outta' here soon." I said.

"Well, I must've been unconscious, let's get out of here, this place is giving me the creeps." Xavier said.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of snakes hissing.

"Don't tell me it's Medusa..." I said.

"Hydro Storm!" Julius' voice suddenly yelled.
After a few seconds, everything was wet with holy water in here and a woman's scream and the sound of a small explosion echoed throughout the dark room, which probably meant Medusa just died.

I sighed. "Alexa, Xavier, you guys there?" Julius said. "Yeah." me and Xavier said in unison. He soon came out from the dark and was holding a flashlight. "Guys, let's hold each other's hands." I said.

Xavier and Julius exchanged looks before looking at me.

"Uhh why?" Julius said.

"Just, do it, ok?" I said.

They sighed and did as I said.

Soon, our bodies began to glow in blue.

There was a blinding flash of light, and we were suddenly standing behind Arikardo who was looking down on the trapdoor.

Julius POV

"Uh Arikardo, I think that's Medusa's lair." I said.

Arikardo looked at me.

"How did you know?" he asked.

We told him what happened.

"I see, let's continue then. We're close to reaching the Pinnacle.

Soon, we found another door and entered it, leading us to a long bridge that is connected to a long fleet of stairs and to what it seemed to be the pinnacle.

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