Hunting Lessons

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Twisting and turning, I could feel the sunlight against my eyelids, forcing them open. Reluctant, I let them part, though only very slightly. Around me, the scene was blurred, but full of light. Yet, I remained deaf to the songs of the pidoves and pidges, and could not quite make out my surroundings. It was far too early for me to be making that kind of effort.

"Wake up, Akila," a familiar voice called to me. I felt something nudging the side of my head gently. Letting out a moan in protest, I moved away just slightly, but refused to open my eyes any further.

"Let me sleep for five more minutes, ma," I murmured, fancying myself in the comfort of my home, even though strangely enough the supposed sheets and mattress that was meant to be there didn't feel quite like either of those things. Hearing a chuckle, I turned to face the other speaker, finally fully taking in my surroundings. 

A young Absol smirked at me, with a casual mischief sparkling in his ember-red eyes. 

'Damn it!'

"So now am your mother, or what?" he asked, chuckling. 

'Not funny. Everyone makes mistakes.'

He looked at me apologetically, so I clearly must have let my opinion on his teasing be known. "Sorry, but you really should have seen your expression. I swear, it was the funniest thing!"

Flame then came as well, and as soon Snow told him what had happened, he  too laughed. This really was the best start possible to my second day as an absol. I sighed, turning right as I spotted a ratatta, raising to my feet. Something within my head urged me to follow, to stalk and to leap at the creature, however base and barbaric it might have felt at any other time. I didn't hunt rodents. Not as a human. That being said, I no longer was a human. 

"Let me guess: you're hungry because you never ate dinner?" Snow's amused voice tore my gaze away from the smaller pokemon briefly. 

I nodded. "And I am not hungry, I am starving! "I cried, feeling my stomach rumble. 

Snow chuckled once again. 

"Guess I'll have to teach you how to hunt," he announced, making his way to the Rattata that I had seen earlier. I observed him, and walked on waiting for "expert" guidance. 

The tiny, purple pokemon was nibbling at an oran berry, strangely oblivious to our presence. I had to wonder if it could even understand us the way the Charmeleon had, given that it did not seem to be worried in the least. Alongside it, his fellow rattata also munched on the fruits, not noticing us stalking up behind them. Yet, whilst I had no reason not to be noticed, it made sense that Snow, whom had lowered his body and was now crawling through the ferns and bushes that made up the undergrowth, remained undetected. The slow and smooth way in which he moved, soundless and graceful, was entirely different from his usually boisterous and highly unsubtle behaviour that I'd been exposed to from the first time I'd met him.

"You have to crouch as low as you possibly can," he whispered to me. 

Awed, and feeling a surge of respect for his tactics, I slowly did as he said, crouching down just meters from him. The stems and leaves of the greenery around me tickled my cheeks and the sensitive whiskers I'd almost forgotten that I now possessed. 

The scent of food pushed me forward, challenging me. It was hard to restrain myself, empty as I was and the thrill of the hunt made my heart race. Strange to think that sort of activity used to disgust me just days ago.

"Now slowly step forward, staying as low as possible." 

I closed upon the Rattata, feeling saliva form in my mouth, my forelegs growing stiff from impatience. 

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