A Heart of Stone (Literally)

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Before I begin this chapter, let me explain a couple of things. Number one: I tend to update the more popular stories more often, hence the the fact that I update this story almost daily. Second: When someone does not give me any clue what to write next, I will have to just incorporate their idea later in the story. Please respect this so that we can continue. See, I said a 'couple'.

I opened the box slowly, feeling Snow's stare. Not that he was looking at me, but I still felt it. It was a surprised stare, for a reason of course.

In the box, a ruby red heart (literally ruby) sparkled in the sunshine. It was tied in a knot to a velvet-soft string, that looked as if it were made of other gemstones. The heart was literally made of stone. However, it was precious stone, as ruby is indeed very rare.

I had to smile, as it was so beautiful. As I picked it up by the string attached to the heart, I noticed a note left in the box. It read:

For those who wear it be aware,

For this necklace could be the truth or the dare,

It is as much of a curse as a blessing,

It could allow you to drop to your doom, or touch heavens ceiling,

This amulet could make you cry,

Or make your tears dry.

"Okay now that is impossible," Snow muttered. I looked at him in surprise.

"How can you read. I thought only a couple of pokemon could do that," I asked. He nodded.

"That may be correct, but I have been learning," he replied, smiling smugly. I laughed.

"Right, so you believe that Pignites can fly but not that an amulet could produce real magic," I said, changing the subject. He shrugged.

"Anyway, magical or not, I bet all the magic it could do, is make females look prettier," he retorted. "So why don't you wear it. It will look so pretty on you."

He then came up to me, took the necklace and put it round my neck. As he did so, the necklace started to glow in blue. Not just any blue. It was that blue. The one that changed my life forever.

The necklace started changing shape and colour, until it formed into a sapphire tear-drop. "Wow..." Snow said, in amazement. "Did that amulet just turn from a red heart to a blue tear-drop?" I nodded slowly, mesmerized by the sheer beauty and magic of the amulet. "And you look so much... prettier in it."

I did not believe that. He must have been mistaken. I shook my head in disagreement. "No really. Your eyes are brighter and you look cleaner. Or maybe it's because I haven't looked properly," he said. I just pawed at him, in return, slapping him across the face.

"If that was an attempt at flirting then you should stop, " I growled. He chuckled.

"Wait... you thought that I would be flirting with you? Nah, we are friends after all," he asked me.

"No... no I did not," I replied quickly.

"But if you want, we can be more than that... like you know close friends," he added, making me feel uncomfortable.

"O-kay, now you're creeping me out," I said. He smiled.

"My pleasure," he replied, bowing his head playfully. "I am a dark type after all, aren't I. And it's Dark types' second nature to creep out other pokemon."

"Haha, very funny," I muttered.

From there, we headed back. Mainly because, although it felt only like seconds, several hours had past since we had found that amulet. I was still wearing it as we were walking through the forest, as it felt so right to wear it.

As I walked through the ferns that created the undergrowth, I heard a twig snap. Snow and I turned around, as Snow had also heard the same sound, to see a very ugly Purugly.

"I think I should tell you the truth now," Snow said as he gulped. "I know that Purugly... his name is Silver Scar from the silver scar that goes from the bottom eye lid to his top eye lid. And he is not a very good pokemon. He is the very opposite of a gentleman and he stinks."

I looked at Snow in confusion.

"And he used to collect bottle caps." I giggled at that one.

"I will tell you the rest some time else. Including how he got his scar," he offered. I nodded. It was a bad thought, but I felt as if I had to know the truth.

Silver Scar started to walk towards us. I slowly backed off, feeling his glare pierce my skin. Very soon that glare changed into a smile and at this point I was looking into his eyes. Despite smiling, the eyes did not quite sparkle, they seemed to be radiating anger and spite.

"Hello young lady," he said, smiling a cat smile. I almost shivered. As he slowly closed up, Snow walked in front of me like he did on the first day I met Scar. He hissed at the Purugly, who just smiled.

"Oh let the lady take her choice for once," he said. "After all, she should know what to choose. Don't you Aki."

"Don't call her that!" Snow shouted angrily, hissing at the smiling Purugly. Scar just waved a paw into the air.

"Oh, but you can't choose for her. If she wants me not to call her Aki, all she has to do is say so," Scar continued. "So what would it be Aki?"

I froze. "Don't call me Aki," I muttered in barely a whisper.

"What is it, I did not hear you," he asked again, giving Snow a sly look.

"Don't call me Aki!" I cried out, this time it was audible enough. He smiled and nodded his head.

"Whatever you say sweety," he retorted slyly and walked off, leaving the two of us creeped out.

"For a normal type he acts awfully like a dark type," I exclaimed, once Scar had gone.

"That's just his style. Creepy but his," Snow said.

"And... h...how..does he...know my name," I asked, shivering. That was creepy. I never told him my name and neither did Snow. It was almost like that pokemon was spying on us... or even stalking us. Maybe he wants revenge on Snow so he is trying to make him go insane. No, that would barely explain anything. Besides, he was creeping me out, not Snow. And what have I ever done to him.

I looked at my amulet, as if hoping it would reveal the answer. It sparkled still as beautifully as before. I hoped the amulet would protect me and Snow from the dangers that lurked here. And from stalkers. I hated these type of humans and pokemon.

As we walked to the camp fire, fear still clung to my fur, only quenched by the sky of stars that looked ever so beautiful in the dark.

It seems as if Aki has an enemy... and it also seems that the truth or the dare will soon be revealed. So please review this chapter, so I can continue writing this story with the same joy I had when I first started it. And last, but not least I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

P.S. I especially want to thank blakeneL for reading and reviewing my story.

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