Chapter 6 - Broken hearts & bleeding throats

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You all begged me, BEGGED ME, to update.

So I have *insert evil laugh here* 

*Am I now including memes to sum up the chapters? Yes. Bonus points if you guess which comment the meme is based on. 

You'd been off Dragon's Edge for a day to try to find out new information about what the Dragon Hunters' next move was, before returning to hear that Hiccup had been kidnapped, Barf and Belch had created a life debt to him, and the twins had somehow managed to fly Toothless.

After laughing at the ridiculous situations your brother managed to get himself in while you weren't around and relaying the small amounts of information you'd found, yourself and Astrid had set off to Berk. You planned to collect supplies and see how the Auxiliary riders were doing before you ran into Trader Johann near the fog banks. After you spoke to him and found out that Heather and Ryker had been spotted at the Northern Markets buying winter gear, Astrid headed back to The Edge while you went to find out more information.

"You let her go alone?? What if she runs into Dagur or the Dragon Hunters out there??" Hiccup asked Astrid, not as panicked as he could be but certainly concerned. "She'll be fine Hiccup, Y/N's the stealthy one remember? If anyone's gonna be able to keep a safe distance from enemies while collecting information, it's her."

Hiccup gave a lengthy groan, running a hand through his hair. Astrid frowned a little, after all these years and everything they'd already been through did Hiccup still not trust you to fend for yourself? How would he be when you were both older? Because he certainly couldn't keep acting like this when you're both 50.

"We know that she'll be around the Northern Markets. So, if we get any sign that there's something off we'll go there and look for her." Astrid reasoned with him, patting him on the shoulder. When he made eye contact, her bright blue irises pierced into his with a look that at least convinced him a little to ease off.

And that brings us to where you were now, covered in a common brown cloak to make sure no Dragon Hunters recognise you as you make your way through the Northern Markets. Usually, if you were with the other Dragon Riders, you'd have the cloak off. But considering you were alone with Ghostripper keeping watch overhead, you didn't want to risk it. You were good friends with most of the traders at the markets, having negotiated with the majority of them before, and you knew that if a fight did start, they were usually the ones to finish it. Unlike Trader Johann, a lot of the traders in the Great Beyond knew how to defend themselves.

"Trader Davin, how are the sales today?" You asked, leaning against said tradesman's stall. He was a tall, somewhat stocky blonde with a large beard similar to your father's and friendly brown eyes. Similar to Gobber, he could hold a conversation and be almost like a teddy bear, but you'd seen him hold his own against many a thief.

"Ah! Y/N! What brings you here today, and by yourself I see too?" He commented, looking behind you for any of your other friends. He nodded slightly to your hood, which you tipped down and smiled at him. "That I am, I'm actually here to see if you've heard of any passers through who've bought winter gear?" You asked, leaning closer towards the trader.

He blinked slightly, rubbing his beard in thought, and looking towards each of the stalls that sold gears for all different seasons and climates, as if trying to imagine seeing anyone lately who bought such a thing. After a minute or so of thought, he clicked his fingers and waved a knowing finger in the air.

"I did in fact! Not two days ago some group dressed in armor made from dragon hides came through and bought almost all of Trader Elof's stall. Made him so much he can retire early! Isn't that the dream..." He trailed off in a slightly dreamlike gaze. Also similar to Trader Johann, Davin always managed to spin tall tales when you spoke to him.

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