Charity Event - Chamber

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Hey! Sorry for all the spelling mistakes. It's 2.30am, I'm not wearing my glasses and I'm tired. This ain't my best oneshot, but at least it's not as cringy as all the other ones I decided not to share ☠️

"Please, don't drag me to this charity event!" You yell to your best friend. "But y/n, you look so pretty in your outfit!" She looks you up and down and nods. You scoff. Your best friend thought it would be an amazing idea to go to a charity event, that she managed to get an invite to thanks to her uncle, some commander that goes by the name Brimstone. "Okay it's time to go!" She says as she grabs an incredibly tiny bag. Can you even fit anything in there?

If staring at someone would be able to kill people she would probably be dead by now. You did NOT enjoy those fancy events at all, you'd probably go as far as to say you hated them. All those people acting fake, bragging about how much money they donated and showing off their expensive dresses and suits.

You stand up and follow her out of the room. Let's hope this night will be over in the blink of an eye.

After half an hour you arrive at the event. You throw open the door, pull out your friend and link your arms together. You walk around the red carpet, avoiding all the flashing camera's and reporters. Good thing the back door exists, you would've fainted of anxiety by now if you walked over that darn carpet.

You walk in through the back door and make your way to the main area where the event is being held. Your friend is greeting people left and right, while you quietly follow her around the place. Damn, she is a natural when it comes to things like these!

After greeting a bunch of people she faces you. "Okay Y/N, I'm sorry but I have to go and talk to some people in private, I'll be back in a bit!" You frown and cross your arms. "Are you really leaving me here alone, stuck with all these high class assholes?" She looks at you and gives you a pat on your shoulder. "You got this, okay? I won't be long." You groan and roll your eyes at her as she's walking away. "I WON'T FORGET THIS!" You yell at her, realizing you are embarrassing yourself in front of a couple of fancy looking people.

You turn red and groan, hugging close to the wall as you make your way over to a huge table filled with a bunch of yummy things. You grab a plate and start piling things onto it. It's free anyways, right? You managed to find a comfortable seat in the corner.

While eating all the yummy food on your plate, you take a good look around the room. A man catches your eye. Thick, black glasses sit on his nose and his hair is slicked back. And what is that on the side of his head, a golden tattoo? You scoff. These rich people, pfft. Only showing off. But just before you look away, the man looks you directly into your eyes. You flinch and quickly look away. Too late, here he comes.

"Like what you see?" He stops in front of you, and you can only see his shoes. This man has a darn hot accent. Damn. You look up and chuckle awkwardly. He has the most beautiful brown eyes you have ever seen. "I guess I do." You manage to croak out. He takes a seat next to you. "The name's Vincent Fabron. What is yours, ma cherie?" "It's Y/N." "Y/N... What a beautiful name." He smiles and turns to you. You can feel your cheeks turn red and you look away. "I must say, these events are rather boring, non?" "They indeed are." You nod in agreement. "Would you care to join me on the balcony, Y/N?" He asks. You did not have to think twice. Your best friend left you alone, and sitting here was getting quite boring. "I would love that!" You say, finally getting over the awkwardness.

He stands up and holds out his hand, waiting for you to grab it. You stand up and he leads the both of you outside. You breathe in the air. It felt so good, better than the heavy perfume laced air inside. "It's nice here, isn't it?" He says. You sigh. "So much better than inside!" You lean on the railing, looking out over a big garden, with flowers and fountains everywhere. You can hear footsteps come to a halt right next to you. You glance at him. He looks so composed. After a brief moment of comfortable silence he breaks it. "So, what brings you here?" You groan. "Urgh, don't even get me started! My best friend kept on bugging me to come with her. These kinds of events are not my thing at all. I'm just here for her, and now she left me alone so she could talk to some fancy people on her own!" You pout.

"But anyways, what brings you here? You look like you definitely fit in here." He chuckles. "I am here for business. But now that I'm done with that, I'm spending my time doing something far more enjoyable." He grins widely. "Like what?" You ask. "Talking to you." He winks, and you start blushing. God, this man knows what he's doing!

You and Vincent were talking for a while, about work, interests, and nonsense. He was flirting a lot, but you didn't mind at all. It had been a while since you saw a man that genuinly looked like he cares.

While you both were lauging about something he had commented on, you suddenly felt a tap on your shoulder. You flinched and turned around. "Y/N, I've been looking for you everywhere!" You smile sheepishly as you check your phone. "My phone was on silent, I'm really sorry!" You place your phone back into your bag. "It's alright! Don't worry. We do have to go soon, though."

"Also, who is this?" She raises an eyebrow and points at Vincent. "My name is Vincent Fabron, nice to meet you." He shakes your friends hand. "My name is F/N." She smiles at him. "So what have you two been up to this evening, huh?" She winks at you. You can feel your face turn red. "Uhm, nothing much! We've been talking a lot." You smile and face Vincent. He nods. "Well, since you have to leave soon I shall take my leave as well. I will hopefully see you soon, Y/N." He winks and takes your hand, placing a soft kiss on it. "I would love that." You smile at him "See you, ma cherie" He walks off and waves.

"WHERE DID YOU FIND THAT HOTTIE Y/N?" Your face turns into a tomato. She takes your hands and starts squealing. "We saw each other from across the room, and he came up to me. Then this just kinda happened." You grin. "Let's go back to my place, I need ALL the details! How old is he? What kind of job does he have? Do you guys share interests?" You both giggle as you walk back to the car. This is going to be a looong gossip session!

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