Chapter 1 - Recurring nightmares (1)

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3rd person PoV

Tonight, was the night of the full moon, it was the most beautiful night and a special night for one little girl. And her name was Jackeline Moon (Jack for short). She was born in the most mysterious and secretive pack hidden deep within the forest known as the Healer Moon Pack, and much like the pack's name, the pack members were just as special. Many of which who joined the pack gained euphoric features, features that can seduce both genders regardless of their sex, and it does not just end there. Individuals of the Healer Moon Pack can heal but not enough to revive the dead and how much power they have can be indicated with a special trait and that is their eyes, all members of such pack have either green or blue eyes and only the alpha family were born with both eye colour, Jack as the first daughter of the healer moon pack had both including a shining glimmer of a spec of purple. And on the day of Jack's birth, she was surrounded by all the magical creatures who bowed their heads to welcome a new existence. And such existence had powers that was beyond what such a little child could handle, for the parents of such a small girl, they asked for the help of Jack's aunt (Mira), a powerful witch who casted a sealing spell on the little girl and disappeared ever since that day.


3rd PoV

"Stop! ... don't go any further" Jack's wolf 'Sophie' said worriedly to the little 5 years old girl, but the loud commotion and the sudden taste of uneasiness within the air led Jack to feel nervously anxious. She couldn't listen to Sophie's comment, all she could hear was the beating of her heart and the unsteady breathing as she slowly approaches her pack-house. As the little girl worriedly scavenged her way through the forest bushes and trees, the roof of the packhouse was appearing ever so slightly, but at the same time Sophie was able to sense the large amount of iron within the air. "No... no you cannot go any further!" Sophie shouted in Jack's head but still Jack was unresponsive.

"Please!" Sophie pleaded not wanting the little girl to see the scene that was about to be unfolded however no matter what Sophie tried, Jack was unable to think of anything but quickly get back to the pack house to see her mom and dad welcome her back with open arms even though Jack had a gut feeling that darkness was roaming about, but she ignored it not wanting to accept that something bad has happened.

However, the scene that was soon unfolded cannot be described in a few simple words...

As Jack unconsciously blocks Sophie out of her mind, the little girl was getting closer and closer towards the pack house and as soon as she was about to push through the last bush that was in the way of her small figure before seeing the pack house in full view, her lips shaped upwards into a smile expecting to see her parents and the other pack members welcoming her back to celebrate her birthday alongside the little girl telling them of her new friend Sophie. But the thing that unveiled after pushing away the bush ever so slightly was a scene of bloodshed.

Without fully exiting the forest, the girl's body began to shiver in fear, the smile that was previously plastered on her face with the excitement to finally see her parents and the pack was immediately erased and replaced with horror.

There were flames everywhere, and not just that, crimson red fluid splatters into the air before painting the natural green grass red right in front of her sight.

And before the girl could compose herself, tears began to flood her features as she sees one person after another being slowly slaughtered and left lifeless on the ground, they were all members of her pack, they were her friends, her family, and her support however they were all disappearing one after another.

There stood the little girl not knowing what to do, she stayed still at the borders of the pack house, still being protected by the forest, and due to her small figure, she was hidden and camouflaged by the forest bushes and trees, protecting her from the dangers that was happening, and it was due to this that no one could detect her.

As the girl's gaze hovered through the entire field until landing on a particular individual, she tried calling out to him but her voice wouldn't listen, no matter what she did it was as if she was muted, she couldn't speak due to the fright she just sustained, she was unable to hear her own voice, but even so the man still turned around as if he could sense his daughter was calling out to him. The man smiled, "I love you!" Before he was slashed down by a big black wolf with red eyes. But still that did not kill him, he still had strength in him as he slowly stood up and with another breath he transformed into his large sandy white wolf and began his attack on his enemy but still he sustained too many injuries by the other dead enemy corpses on the ground that he was reaching his limit.

Knowing that he was on the brick of death, with his bond towards his mate being broken, signalling her death, there was nothing in the world to hold him back, but the only worry was his dear daughter who must live on alone from now on.

But despite his worries, he couldn't do anything, he was already getting weaker with his mate's death, and it was not just that, he was suffering from too much blood lost and all he could do now is fight till his last breath so that the evil man would not approach his daughter as he began to charge at his enemy however it was of no use.

With the last swing of the enemy's claw, slashing down on the sandy's white wolf's abdomen, blood began to spray the surrounding, covering ground and spotted the enemy's black fur.

Everything was happening so fast that the little girl didn't know whether everything happening in front of her was all real or just a horrendous nightmare.

But still the girl was frozen in place from all the shock she received, she was unable to move, her bond towards both her parents, her unborn sister and the pack was suddenly lost, she was in tremendous pain, but such pain were all numbed out with her heartbreak.

She hoped that everything was just a dream and that she would soon wake up from this horrendous nightmare, but as she tried turning away from the bloodshed scene, she suddenly caught her eyes facing the enemy. As she sees those bloodthirsty red eyes staring at her, chills began to creep up her spine and fear engulfed her whole body as the big black wolf's jaw began to lift upwards into what seems like an evil smirk before his last words resonated into the little girl, "I'll find you!"

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