Chapter 2 - Recurring nightmares (2)

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Present day

Jack's PoV

"You are the evil star, you bring misery to those all around you!", "you killed your parents.", "you killed the Luna and Alpha who took you in", "you're a murderer!"

All these words whirled around my mind causing me to suddenly jump up from my bed whilst being covered in cold sweat, "ha.... Ha... ha" I breathed heavily whilst sitting up from my bed and quickly glanced at my surroundings trying to recall where I'm at. Looking around I could tell it was the room me and Emily lived in for the past few years when hiding away from the pack of wolves who slaughtered both my parents pack and the neighbouring pack who took me in, the full moon pack. The pack where Emily was from, a pack where she was the strongest female beta that ever existed until my 7th birthday where everything once again turned upside down.

I sighed and ran my hands through my hair, "not again!" I said to myself. It was those same bloodshot eyes that kept following my every move, killing those closest to me. And no matter what, I couldn't fight back, I am too weak, and my abilities have not fully developed since I am not fully grown.

I sighed once again, not knowing how long me and Emily could hide from those men, despite the fact we tried to fight back, we could never find any clues of who these people were, it was as if they disappear as soon as they appear, as if they were never there to begin with, all traces of them just disappears from the scene.

As I tried to calm down, Sophie hesitantly worried before she began to ask through our mind link, "did you have another nightmare?"

But I wasn't able to reply to her immediately as I was still over emotional with all those sentences said towards me, I mean it felt like all the people who died were because they were close to me and it was due to this ever since my parents died, I stopped speaking to anyone believing as long as I stayed quiet and out of people's sight, living as quietly as possible then maybe even if I am with other people, it won't bring harm to them as I am not easily detected by the enemy but that was all a mistake. And now that I knew no matter where I hide, they would still find me, then why bother to hide my voice? And with that it took a few years to adjust but last year, I began to speak and the first person I spoke to was Emily.

Quickly I removed all these negative thought from my mind and slightly shook my head, "yea, but I'm fine now" I replied to Sophie's question trying not to worry her but still I knew Sophie could sense my unease since we live in the same body but nevertheless, she knew not to ask any further.

I mean this was kind of the usual routine, I have been having these recurring nightmares every so often, especially these past few weeks, these nightmares kept recurring every single night, it was like a reminder that I must find these killers and finish them off myself to avenge those who died.

As I was sinking into deep thought, Sophie quickly spoke to keep me awake, "so anyways, you should wake up, you and Emily was meant to go training right?" She asked which shook me out of my daze, "oh yes, nearly forgot" I replied through the mind link whilst thanking Sophie for the reminder.

Quickly I got up and got myself ready before heading downstairs to meet with Emily, "so you are finally awake sleepyhead?" She questioned whilst I looked at the clock, "it's 7am, how am I a sleepy head?" I looked at her questioningly whilst she laughed it off and told me to come and eat breakfast.

As soon as we were done, we went to the forest meadow, a secret place I found when using the forest as a short cut to get to school. It was a beautiful meadow hidden deep within the forest, the meadow was the most peaceful place I have ever went it, it was a place where no evil resides, there was a beautiful waterfall, different creatures living peacefully together and no bloodshed, it was a place that seems to be unreal and I wish I could stay here for ever, but if I do that, it just means I am running away from the real world, running away from my enemies and that is not something I would want .

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