Chapter 3 - Recurring nightmares (3)

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Jack's PoV

"WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" Josh (one of the full Moon warriors) shouted as he ran through the large double door that enters the hall, stopping the birthday party before it even started.

Everyone was panicking not knowing what to do, until the Alpha gave word, "okay everyone knows the drill, all women and children go towards the base and hind, as for the warriors and those who can fight, gear up and defend our pack."

With those words, everyone began to calm down and ease their emotions before going to their allocated roles, including Emily who was the beta of the Full Moon Pack. As the battle began, the basement became quiet, believing we were safe until a big commotion came from the door and a large brown wolf appeared at the basement door approaching us causing all the children to cry, except for me. Knowing the only person who could fight here was me, I clenched my fist and slowly knelt down knowing the wolf wouldn't attack and slowly observe us before making his move, I took this opportunity to knelt down and slip my hands to my legs where I strapped 2 daggers, as I got a hold of them, I slowly stood up, slipping the daggers into my hand and approached, knowing my speed is one of my strong suits, I knew I have to take the first move as I sped forward and slit its throat before it could even react.

With that the brown wolf collapsed in front of the crowd causing all to grasp as I was indifferent to killing a life. I was the nightmares of seeing my pack being slaughtered and all the dead corpses was now etched into my mind that killing was no longer any different especially for those who thinks they can harm the people that I care about.

Looking back, I saw everyone was scared, scared at the little child who was around 7 were able to kill, I turned around about to exit the basement until I felt a hand grabbing me from behind, stopping me from taking another step, turning around, turns out the hand belongs to Luna (Lyla), she looked at me worryingly, "Where are you going?" She asked, "I'm going out to check the situation." I replied.

"No, you can't, it's too dangerous!" She said, "don't worry, I'll be fine, they won't be able to kill me" I said reassuring her, "but still you are just a child" she said but I refuted, "it's because I am a child that if anything does happen, I can easily escape with my speed or hide somewhere they cannot catch."

With that she sighed, she knew that when I decided on something, it would be hard to change my mind, with that she let go, "fine but promise me, keep yourself safe" whilst I nodded and shut the basement, I ran towards the window trying to see what was happening outside. But was suddenly shocked when I see a scene full of bloodshed, a scene much like before. And suddenly scenes of father's dead body and those bloody red eyes once again popped into my head until I was suddenly snapped out of my daze when I hear a sudden growl to my right.

As my mind snapped out from the horrid scene in front of me, I quickly faced the direction of where the evil intention to kill was coming from and saw a muddied dark brown wolf eyeing me as if I was the easiest prey they would have ever been caught as it stands at the end of the corridor not too far away from me.

Knowing that I was alone with the wolf, I only had 2 choices, either guide it away from everyone in hiding or defeat it now. Slowly I knelt attempting to grab my hidden dagger until I heard a familiar scream from the direction, I came from causing my heart to throb not knowing what might've happened. At that exact moment that I lost eye contact with the wolf, it began to run towards me and jump to easily subdue and kill me. However, I didn't want to play with it knowing that everyone might be in danger. With that thought in mind, just as the wolf was just an inch away, I quickly slashed down his neck whilst it was in mid-air with my hidden daggers before it collapsed onto the ground. And without giving another glance, I ran back the direction I came from, hoping that I wasn't too late. As the door to the base was in view, I see it was opened, this caused my heart to skip a beat in anxiety. But nevertheless, I sped up until I was face-to-face with the terrors inside.

The first thing I heard was the coughing sound of someone choking, and when I came to realise the direction of the sound, I looked straight down to the centre of the room to see the back of a tall muscular man tightening his grip onto a petite woman's neck with his left hand, and then using the right hand he pulled out the metal rod that was stuck to the woman's chest causing massive bleeding.

Everything happened so fast that I couldn't even react, everyone hovered to the corners, trying to hide, and not become the rouge's next victim. As my eyes adjusted to the lights of the basement room, I came to realise who the rouge was holding onto.

With the sudden realisation, my blood began to boil as I approached with both hands tightening onto the daggers, "How, how dare you!" I shouted as I charged towards the centre room and slashed down at him without a second hesitation. And luckily due to my strength, after a few slashes, the man was fully down and lifeless. I looked at the female body, kneeling with my shaky hands to check whether she was breathing. But no, it was already too late, I clenched my fist and closed my eyes for a short second to compose myself before standing straight away, pushing away all my emotions and looked around the room, "everyone, there is no time to explain. It not safe here anymore, it may seem like a gamble, but the best option of survival now is to make a run for it."

But everyone hesitated but I knew time was not on our side, I sighed, knowing there was a solution to make everyone abide but I didn't want to use it, it was something I tried hiding for so long. But looking at everyone around me, I knew that it was the only method. I took a deep breath and allowed my voice to echo throughout the whole room, "listen up, run to the forest, run until you are safe from danger and don't come back. One day we would meet again."

With that single alpha command and without a second word, everyone exited the room and ran at different directions towards the forest.

As everyone made their timely escape, I ran through the battle zone until someone grabbed me from behind. Just as I was about to defend myself, Emily's voice was heard and just when I was about to ask her questions, she quickly pulled me away from the bloodied scene...

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