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As you lay there thinking,

Because that's all you can do,

You think of all the good times,

Between me and you,

We both knew the risks,

And the inevitable pain,

Or the emotional hurt,

Or the physical disdain,

But what matters now,

Is the time we have left,

As it's coming to a close,

It's being robbed by a theft,

So we go back to the days,

When we first met,

When we didn't know,

What would hurt us yet,

The minutes we used,

The careless stunts we did,

The days we spent,

The nights we lived,

In these last minutes,

We will spend together,

With me watching you,

And both of us will remember,

This moment in time,

for the rest of our lives,

Yours being short,

So I'll remember it in mine.


(a/n i dedicated this to No_Limitations because i got a dedication from her and can relate to her. I don't know if she is reading this, but if you are, you. are. the. best.


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