Chapter Four

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Authors' note: I definitely didn't forget to post yesterday, as well as telling all of you when the next posting date is two weeks ago- anyway the next posting date will be 29 September, please look forward to it! -Avea

Scattered across the desk are pictures and scribbled notes of Princess Carla. My search history has been filled with numerous websites about the French princess, and my bookmarks have been cleared of snippets of other targets, replaced with links all detailing the same person. My file of the princess has officially been updated, and my hands ache from writing information practically everywhere.

I have written so much about her that I can practically memorise her information off the back of my head. Princess Carla of France, aged seventeen. She stopped appearing in public when she was fifteen, but then was thrust back into the limelight when she was sixteen. Compared to her aspiring sisters however, she blends into the wallflower of their various achievement pictures. She has reportedly been in America for quite some time when she was younger.

Personality wise, she is meek and docile, voicing her opinions only in spontaneous bursts of courage. Among the princesses, she is the least assertive, and tends to go along with the flow. Following her around with ease confirmed my suspicions that she has no bodyguard to speak of, secret or no. Her relationship with her brother, Prince Ciel of France, is ankle-deep at best. As for her relationship with the rest of the princesses, while Princess Han is the most protective of her, she isn't as close with her as she is with the rest of the princesses. Her voice is also generic enough among French to mimic. If anything, posing as Princess Carla will be the single most simple thing this mission will entail.

The only piece of paper on my desk that isn't directly related to Princess Carla is a poster regarding the exchange program between Momosu and Poposi Academies. Indirectly, however, offers the optimal opportunity for the princesses to hop on a ship and meet the princes on Momosu island. As Aella, I couldn't possibly imagine going, but as Carla, going is a must.

I slip my hood on carefully, adjusting my gloves to make them more comfortable. The clock shows 7pm, just when the princess is on her evening walks. I am not sure what to do with her after I subdue her, but a few solutions are at the top of my mind after hours of research.

I spy Princess Carla strolling in the garden and, having no walls to shield me from sight, tug off my hood and toss it behind the bush somewhere, intending to approach the princess as a familiar figure. Her blonde hair shimmers in the moonlight as she walks with a grace that only belongs to her. I make my footsteps heard so as to not let her put her guard up upon seeing me appear out of thin air. When I fall into steps beside her, she breaks out of her trance staring at the ground to acknowledge me.

Her eyes widen the instant she recognises me. "A-Aella," she greets, her voice trembling. "Your Highness," I reply with a nod, and take into consideration the shiver in her voice, "Is something wrong?" Princess Carla shakes her head lightly, and steady her breathing. But before the startle from her gaze is gone and she lets her guard up once more, I press a hand to her back.

Just when my hand is about to fly to hit the side of her neck, Princess Carla pushes me away violently, and her voice cracks, "What are you doing, Aella?" I look at her terrified expression piteously. My facade of a lazy, average schoolgirl Aella fades away to meet bloodthirsty eyes to her shaking pupils. She crumples to the ground at whatever emotions she sees under my eyes. She is such a weak creature, Carlotta thinks, but Aella doesn't push that thought away. I stare at the quivering figure, almost waiting to stop this madness, to stop intimidating her, to stop this cruel task of mine.

Carlotta pushes on, though. Approaching her and noting how her breath hitches, I crouch by her side. I steadily pull out my dagger from my ankle, one I have previously acquired going back to base. Sixty-three wasn't there when I was at the base, but I toss that distracting thought away, focusing on how tears stream down the delicate face of Princess Carla when she sees the silver glint of the dagger. She opens her mouth, then closes it again, yet I know something broke in her. And finally, Princess Carla opens her mouth to say plan-altering words.

"I-I'm not Princess Carla! So- so whatever vengeance you have against her- it's not related to me!"

I pause and tilt my head at the revelation, letting it sink in before the shock comes. Still, I put on my mask of aloofness. "So. You're not Princess Carla. What does that change?"

The imposter's breath hitches. "I'm not Princess Carla," they repeat, "I'm only her for revenge." As if they find some new courage in me not plunging the dagger wherever I want, they sit up. "You and I, we're the same. Revenge, isn't it?"

I shake at hearing the stupidest thing my mind has ever had to process in the whole year. "I'm not here for revenge, imposter," I say coldly. The imposter shifts further from me. "Princess Carla is currently in a deep slumber in a warehouse from the drugs I've given her. Spare my life, and I'll let you take her place," the imposter adds. They wring their hands nervously, unsure of my thoughts.

"Why do you think that's what I need?"

"Because you didn't kill me outrightly."

I let a few beats pass by after the imposter reveals their thought process, just to let the fear that I still hold their life in my hands sink in. "Why did you impersonate Princess Carla?" At that question, the imposter laughs softly.

"I'm a student of this school, and she got my friends expelled after they pulled a slight prank on her! She's so meddlesome!"

A student, of all things. I must've let my thoughts of this imposter's insanity show on my face as the imposter stops and arranges her expression into professionalism. "Here's the deal: you don't kill me, and I give you her life," the imposter proposes after the serious expression settles in, "I do want another thing, however."

Irritated at the fact that I'm stuck with someone who does reckless actions without a strong enough cause, I almost snap as I say, "What is it?" The imposter only smiles darkly.

"Ruin. Her. Life. For. Me."

I stand up upon hearing the request. "I hold your life in my hands. You give me her life for your life, and keep her hidden. That, or I will come after you." The imposter rises on shaky legs, but her frown tells me her displeasure that I cannot promise her the very thing she set out to do. "Will you prefer it if I end your life here and now?" The imposter manages a forced smile, and I take my time to remember her facial features. "No, thank you so much, Aella."

The imposter begins to walk away, but she pauses again. "Aella...what are you?" The student, imposter, whatever turns around to face me as if trying to puzzle me out. I only clutch my dagger tighter.

"You really want to know?" Her face remains resolute. "I'm an assassin."

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