Chapter Seven

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Authors' note: We know we said Thursday, but it's been months, so here's an essay for y'all 

After eight hours, we finally reach the shores of Momosu. Although I originally boarded the yacht with the idea that I could get to rest myself amongst the peaceful waves, within the first hour the other princesses started pulling out activities to play with one another, and I was reluctantly pulled to join them. I only managed to get away from their giggles and gossips a few hours ago when I feigned tiredness. Now, as we prepare to get off, it feels like I've barely relaxed at all.

Everyone gathers their belongings together, triple checking to make sure we're leaving nothing behind. After getting the cue to leave the yacht, we head down one at a time. I alight behind Princess Neelam, with Princess Gina behind me. Taking a quick look around, I freeze at the reception.

All of the princes studying in Momosu are there to receive us, save for Prince Hibino Shintarou of Japan. Even Livio, who I have to get past to complete my mission, is standing with a friendly smile. They're all dressed in their school uniform, and holding up a large banner welcoming the princesses, but that's not what catches me off guard.

It's him. The bright blonde hair, eyes blue as the cloudless sky, the smile I've so often seen him practise in the comforts of his room. The mouth that has whispered so many lies to me, while they say the prettiest words to others. The hands that he'll always pretend to comfort me with. Prince Charles of America, the only part of my early life still here, appears before me in the flesh. He's the only guy whom I've seen the worst side of, but it's because of seeing his worst side that makes me loathe him as I do now. And seeing him only reminds me of his message two weeks prior, asking me to visit him since it's been months.

Having no interest to associate myself with him, I turn away after giving him a small smile, pretending to revel in Prince Ciel's affection. "Ma petite Carla, it's been such a long time!" Ciel gushes, and I accept his hug despite squirming on the inside. I laugh at something Prince Albert says, agree upon a statement Alexis offers, fistbump awkwardly with Prince Felix, greet Leon with enthusiasm, and even with all the interactions I've done with the people surrounding him, I keep far, far away from Prince Charles.

That is, until he walks up to me on his own accord. He smiles charmingly, "Princess Carla, have I done anything to offend you perhaps? You've been avoiding me." At that confrontation, my mind punches itself internally in frustration. Why can't he just get the hint? I give him the best sheepish smile I can offer, toying with my hair as if I am feeling bashful. "I didn't know how to approach you so...but I promise I was getting to you!" He raises his eyebrows teasingly and smiles that movie-star smile again. The memories I have with him as Carlotta threaten to rise up, but I've become such a master at acting like he doesn't hurt me anymore that they stay down without much struggle.

Just then, Alexis comes over to tell us that everyone else has decided on a late lunch. Thankful for the intervention, I follow Alexis immediately, stealing a glance at Charles to keep up with appearances. But as soon as we settle down at the diner, I engage myself in a menu.

I hate every moment in that diner. While I engage myself in the menu, I feel Charles' eyes all over me, and I hate it even more when I don't know why. When I ask for an extra utensil because mine fell, Charles passes it to me, his hands lightly brushing against mine. Even as I eat, my eyes always lock with his. Am I just paranoid or is he somehow always doing everything that's related to me? As soon as that question pops in my head, I shake off that thought, reminding myself that I'm Carla right now and I have no idea what Carla and Charles's relationship is behind the news reports. A headache blooms in my mind at the stress of being in such close proximity to him. However, as much as I try to ignore the way I seem to be associated with him all the time, I lose my appetite not even thirty minutes into the meal.

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