Chapter 6

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For the first time since they've lived together, Hermione is alone in the bed come morning. Her bedside clock tells her she's slept in for about two hours past her normal time.

She finds Draco in the kitchen, already dressed and halfway through breakfast.

"Good morning. Feeling better?"

Hermione grunts an acknowledgment that she is indeed alive and makes a beeline for the kettle. There's also a half-full skillet of eggs and bacon which she assumes he left for her. This assumption cancels out her former one that Draco has no idea how to cook.

When she joins him at the table, he slides the Prophet over. "I'll save you the trouble and tell you our picture is on page eight."

Hermione scowls and flips there instantly. She hopes to see a picture of her and Draco arm and arm entering the gala. Yet this picture is from much later in the evening and taken inside the party itself.

"I thought you said no photographers would be inside."

"It's Zhao's usual policy," says Draco. "But I think the Minister's presence may have swayed her otherwise."

The photo is of their heads bent together. To anyone who did not know that Hermione was in the midst of a silent panic attack, it would seem the pair were having an intimate, private conversation. What makes it all the worse, other than the press trying to spin this as a romantic moment between two newlywed lovers, is a vile quote from the Minister himself.

...unfortunately, the pair left in rather a hurry before the dessert course could be served. Many party-goers wondered about the swift exit, but it seems our very own Minister may have the answer for why Mrs. Granger-Malfoy might have felt ill.

"I had the pleasure of speaking at length with Mrs. Granger-Malfoy during the party," says the Minister. "And let me say, her joyous demeanor and glowing skin could mean some very exciting news is on the horizon. But I wouldn't want to speculate or congratulate the happy couple too soon."

Could it be true? Will we see a new Malfoy heir in but a few months' time?

Hermione tosses the paper aside, disgusted.

"They fear you," Draco says. "That's all this is."

Something about his calm assertion sets her off and she rounds on him.

"Why did you bring me to the party last night?"

"You said you were interested in what I do."

"Well, yes. But I really was hoping you'd let me observe your curse breaking some time."

"Everything I'm working on in that regard is at the Manor. And before you ask, no, I cannot safely move any of those artefacts here at this time. I told you at the outset, I needed to put in an appearance to garner and keep clientele."

"And you needed your silent, obedient trophy wife at your side to do this?"

"No, the public part was for your benefit. I thought it might quell some of the gossip mongers about our solitude. That was quid pro quo to stave off all the curious questions I'd have gotten from my clients about why I haven't been abroad. And further—"

His placid demeanor finally cracks and he glares at her. "When did I once tell you to be silent or obedient? You act how you like, Granger; Merlin knows you'd put up a fuss if anyone tried to tell you what to do. If you kept yourself out of conversations last night, it's nothing to do with me. You're a grown woman; I assume you've been out in society before. Forgive me for believing you could handle yourself in social situations without my explicit instruction."

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