C̰̃H̰̃Ã̰P̰̃T̰̃Ḛ̃R̰̃ 🄌➊

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"Very well done, Flora. Your results in your Science Projects and constant help in the MedBay gave us a certain advantage against the Autobots."

The mute Femme stood in front of her Lord and Master, handing him a Datapad with her recent results on her current projects and constructing a fuel for the Nemesis so that it doesn't completely rely on the Energon, the Decepticons had harbored. Even when they had in power and Energon wise more than the Autobots, it would only be a matter of time, until they would sink as low on those reserves as well. The Mech in front of the Femme turned around, towering over her smaller frame. He had a silver and dark grey coloring, the symbol of the Decepticons proudly on his chassis in a mechanic purple. His optics were a blood-red color, impossible to miss.
Megatron always had a certain flair, that would make him stick out in any crowd, may it be on the battlefield or on Cybertron in its Twilight Hours. He once fought for those lower ranked and mistreated, but his ambitions got corrupted during the war, making him become the power-hungry Warlord, he was today.

With his Second in Lieutenant, Starscream. 
On Cybertron, he was Captain of a Seeker Armada, which also fought by Megatron's side in the battle against the Autobots. But said Armada was taken over and used as guinea pigs against the Dark Energon, which had been found long ago on one of the Moonbases.
Starscream, unlike the rest of the Decepticons on the ship, which merely were Drones and Vehicons from the servant and warrior class, as well as a few others, who were differently positioned just like Flora, didn't worship his Lord and Master. For a long time now, which is even unknown to Flora herself, Starscream tried to take over the Decepticons, even if that meant, extinguishing Megatron's Spark. But his plans have always failed and he ended up facing the Ex-Gladiator's wrath more than once. 
And he certainly doesn't take any pride in the fact, that others instead of him, were praised by the Warlord. 

His wings twitched in an annoyed manner, while his pede was tapping in a steady but fast rhythm against the metal floor, Starscream watched from the side of his Leader, how he praised the mute Femme for her work. He never understood, what Megatron saw in her. FloraDawn was a fragile Femme, mute to add to that, and not skilled in fighting. What could she achieve for the Decepticon cause, if she can't even fight? Knockout was already a Physician, they didn't need another medic, who could also fill the Scientist Role, they so desperately needed. Scoffing on his behalf, Starscream turned his helm away, his dermas curling into a sly smile, that he didn't even need to hide. When having his next set of words settled in his processor, he began to speak, interrupting his Lord in his praise:" With all due respect, my Lord."
Megatron and Flora turned their attention to the feminine-looking Seeker, who had his arms crossed in front of his chassis, certainly to state his point more in what he was about to say." I do not see any value in our Femme's project. Every Cybertronian knows, that every vehicle, may it be alive or not, needs to run on Energon. So how could another fuel possibly fill such a role, when it's logically not possible?" Starscream circled the smaller Femme, whose optics were slightly narrowed." So, in my opinion, our dear FloraDawn is wasting our precious resources on her behalf in those silly projects of hers", he finished his statement, waiting for Megatron to speak up. Some silence was among the Cybertronians on the main bridge. Flora's Spark was rapidly beating in her chassis from what Starscream had said. Would Megatron lash out at her? And if so, would she end up being terminated? But the smart part in her processor pushed those thoughts away in a Nano-Klik. 

Megatron wouldn't dare do such a thing, after the things she had done for him and his cause. The Warlord still remembered clear as day, how Shockwave, another brilliant processor among the many Scientists that existed back on Cybertron, introduced her to him. She had a good Spark of nature and was collected and calm, maybe even childish in her manner, but it was part of her personality, he didn't intend to change, even when many viewed it as negativity. Flora made a great change among the ranks in his army, and even after Cybertron had died from Mega-Vorn of war, she stayed loyal to his cause and, of course, to him. 
Unlike Starscream, who could betray him any minute and use any kind of spotlight to make himself look better. 

"Unlike you, Starscream, FloraDawn has shown great results and value", replied Megatron," I fully trust her with what she is doing." The Seeker scoffed, glaring at the Warlord for defending Flora." She has succeeded in many things, whereas you, on the other hand, failed. Her high positioning comes from her progress and loyalty alone and not from sheer ignorance and tricks. So you would do well, to treat her with respect." Starscream's wings lowered angrily, his dermas curled up in a scowl as he replied through gritted dentas:" Yes, My Lord." Megatron stood back up to his full posture before turning his attention to Flora, who patiently waited for their conversation to continue." My apologies, Flora. Please, continue", Megatron gestured. Nodding, Flora continued to fill the Warlord into her future plans and findings about the fuel she was making. 
Noting this as a sign of being dismissed, Starscream left the main bridge in anger, walking down the hallway." What in the Allspark's name does Megatron see in such a useless Femme like her? She can't even speak!" The Seeker turned around a corner, continuing to walk down the hallway while talking to himself. He had to do something. Flora was stealing all the glory he planned on getting from Megatron, only to later overthrow him and rule the Decepticons like he always wanted to. Something must happen that would make Megatron lose all his trust and belief in the Femme. 
Starscream stopped walking as suddenly an idea lightened up in his processor, which turned into an evil grin. What if something happened to one of Flora's dear projects?
"I need to pat myself on the shoulder. This is truly the best idea, I ever had." And with that, Starscream vanished into the shadows of the hallways...

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