*Chapter 1*

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A booming laughter rolled in like thunder. I couldn't help but wince at its menacing sound. It was so recognizable, but I couldn't place the sound emanating from the shadows that lie before me.

Suddenly my surroundings start to change. The only thing that remains is the laughter, still rolling towards me, never making contact. I wish it would. I wish whatever hellish nightmare I was inevitably in would come to a screeching halt. I wish I could just wake up, and everything would be as it should. That wasn't going to happen, though, because this was no nightmare. No, this was...is my reality. The thought of this is so overwhelming. My thoughts start racing in with pictures of what once was and never will be. My vision is going dark, and my heart starts beating like mad.

I awake in a room, surrounded by glass. The laughter is still prevalent. It's still as menacing as it was the first time I heard its chord struck strong. I wonder to myself, when this might end. I am so befuddled that I can't even think properly to convince myself to attempt to stand upon this glass floor, below me. I'm afraid for it to disappear right from underneath me, propelling me into a world of darkness unknown.

The laughter ceases. Everything around me starts crumbling, and I fall into perpetual darkness. It surrounds me, swallowing me up in its tainted breath.

I find myself lying on the ground, right where I was a few hours ago. The only difference is that my foot is no longer stuck. I hear faint whispering.

"Sebastian." the mysterious voice whispered so lightly that I could barely make out the word.

H..how do they know my name? What is going on?! What the ever living fuck is going on?! I think to myself. There's a knot forming in the pit of my stomach and my throat feels like it's caving in on itself. This feeling of doom overwhelms my sense, and all I can think is how I wish I could just die and end whatever this mess of a life was becoming. It's all I can do to stop myself from weeping in my sorrow. I wish that this would just end. I want to just end it all, but I'm just lying here on the broken up pavement, surrounded by nothing but darkness.

Oh, how I wish...my thoughts were stopped abruptly by the sound that radiated from below my feet. Laughter rose once again, from the dead, it seems. I can't concentrate, at all, especially with this maniacal laughter in the background.

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