*Chapter 4*

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In the midst of this madness and my plunge, to what I would normally assume is my death (though, considering what's been happening lately, I doubt), my tears manage to subside, as difficult as it was.

None of that was real, Sebastian. Elizabeth....my dear, sweet Elizabeth... my thoughts break off, as I can feel the knot forming in my throat, again. She...she wasn't there. It was just a hallucination. That's all. She's been dead for 8 years now. Okay? I clear my throat, "You can handle this.", I say aloud.

Looking around me, I see nothing but darkness. I was hoping to spot something to grab hold of. I want to prepare myself for death, but I know that's not what's going to happen. I know this all too well. There's no light, nothing to be seen, even if there was.

My mind starts wandering to what could possibly be lurking in these shadows that surround me. What if I'm falling through a hole, and the sides of it are all a bunch of people's hands and arms trying to reach me? I wonder, shuddering at the thought. I start rubbing my eyes, trying to rub away the thought, to no avail.

Finally, I land on something, seemingly bouncy. Whatever I landed on bounced me off of it and onto the floor. It's still so dark that I can't see anything, when a light slowly pans over the room, as I'm standing up and rubbing the back of my neck. It's dim, but enough to make out that I was in another bedroom. Silence fills the air, in a eerily manner and anticipation grows thick within my veins.

Deciding that I need a break, I sit on the edge of the bed, unable to collect my thoughts, as though I had lost them, in the midst of my fall. The fall that had seemed to go on forever finally ended leaving me more confused than when I was in it.

"H...hello?", I hear a soft voice stutter out, behind me.

Jarred to my feet, I yell, "Who's there?!".

Pfft. 'Who's there?', as if I'd know if they told me. What an idiot.

A door slowly creaks open revealing an eyeball, assumingly attached to a body. "Who are you? Why are you here?", she calls out. You could hear the panic and desperation in her voice.

"Well, that's the problem, you see...I don't fucking know why I'm here! I didn't ask to come here, and now I'm being interrogated by some frightened little child hiding behind a door! I just watched my wife die...AGAIN!...and you have the audacity to act like I'm the bad guy here. I just fell for what seemed like forever, and you....YOU are going to ask my why I'm here!?" I scream, flailing my arms about. She squealed and slammed the door, locking it, before I was even half way done talking. "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lose my cool, like that. I've just...", I let out a sigh, pressing my face to the bathroom door, she had been hiding behind. "I've just been through a lot, lately....My name is Sebastian, okay"?

She refused to open the door. Considering the little outburst I just had, I wouldn't blame her if she never opened that door to me. I was getting frustrated, but I also felt a ting of relief knowing that I was no longer alone. Another part of me was scared she would just be another monster or illusion.

"How did you get in here?', she inquired, cautiously.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2015 ⏰

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