Devil Eyes

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A/N- This chapter has been done for about two weeks now but I kept going back and editing and worrying that Daryl was to OOC so I'm just gunna post it cause I don't know if it'll ever be perfect to me but hopefully y'all will like it. I'm sorry it takes me so long to update but between work, school, and personal life I'm exhausted. The next chapter will be pretty long and I've already got about half of it written so hopefully I'll have it posted in the next week or so. Thank you guys for all the support for this story and I send much appreciation and love!

 Thank you guys for all the support for this story and I send much appreciation and love!

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Daryl's POV

I watched the brunette skip her way to the truck where Hershel sat in the driver seat beside a nervous Rick. My brother, Merle, stood on my right side pouting about being left behind. But knowing Merle, if we wanted anything to go in a peaceful direction, then leaving him here was the best option. The older Dixon had always had a bad attitude and even nastier temper. He was the type to throw the first punch and ask questions later and there was a shred of shame plunged through me when I remembered that not to long ago most would have described me the same way.

      A shrill laugh brought my attention back towards the truck where Pandora leaned against the bed having what seemed like a light-hearted conversation with Maggie judging from the smile plastered on Pandora's painted pink lips and  Maggie's fake-glare. The two had seemed to have gotten a lot closer since coming back from their run together. And even the youngest Greene sister, Beth, had made a point of including the crazy female in whatever she was doing.

      Whenever I give myself the time to actually think about the strange woman that Merle drug with him from Woodberry I could never forms complete opinion on her. Merle insisted they weren't together, swears they never even fooled around. But Merle willingly allowing a broad to tag around without getting anything for himself?

      Absolutely not. So what was he getting outta this?

      "You even listenin' to me, boy?" Merle's rough voice pushed through my thought, his shoulder bumping into mine harshly. I sent him a pointed glance and bent down to grab my crossbow and bag.

      "If I listened ta' everything ya said I'd never have time to do nothing else."

      "Smart-ass," he muttered before walking  after me to help finish loading up the truck.

Pandora came around the side of the vehicle, her tattooed legs on display underneath the short cargo shorts that she insisted on wearing, much to Merle's displeasure. With a huff she slung a bag onto the tail-gate before scooting it all the way to the back. When she emeraged again her body was covered in sweat, my eyes watching a small drop fall down her collarbone before disappearing into her cleavage along a thick lined tattoo.

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