First Meeting - Ep 1

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Somewhere on the northside of Diagon Alley, you can see the family of red heads rushing inside the book shop, flourish and blotts. Arthur and Molly Weasley are leading their kids into the second-hand book shelves, with Percy immediately rushing inside one of the shelves grabbing his books needed for his senior year, while Fred is carrying the youngest Ginny, and George is holding protectively his youngest brother Ron's hand to make sure that Ron will not get lost.

Arthur makes sure that his family is complete before carefully shutting the shop's door while Molly keeps reminding Fred to just hold Ginny's hand and George to keep an eye on his brother because Ron does need a lot of care and guidance to get his books because the said boy's always the one that easily gets lost. The twins just nod nonchalantly before immediately pulling their little siblings onto separate shelves.

When George and Ron got inside one of the shelves, George immediately let go of Ron's hand and started looking down at his seven-year-old little brother (Ron is quite shorter here, also shorter than Draco) before talking.

"Hey, Ronniekins, can you please stay here?" I'll just grab some books that I needed, and we'll buy some chocolate frogs outside later if you stay here, okay? Your dearest brother has some galleons here, so be a good brother and obey me, okay? Or else, if Mom finds out that I let your hand go, she will surely scold me and you will have no chocolate frogs, understand?"

Ron, who was just looking at his big brother in boredom, became more lively and his crystal blue eyes immediately twinkled excitedly when he heard the word chocolate, and he nodded enthusiastically before sitting on one of the old wooden chairs, swaying his feet enthusiastically and smiling brightly at his older brother. George smiled back and immediately started grabbing some books from every shelf that he'd walked past.


Meanwhile, on the second floor of the flourish and blotts, a young pale-blonde boy is excitedly grabbing some newly published books.Suddenly, he needed what he needed when he heard his father call his name.


Little Draco looked back at his father, slightly fearful that he was about to act inappropriately again, but when he saw his father Lucius Malfoy smiling while talking to some colleagues, he breathed a sigh of relief and asked. 

"Yes, father?" He asked carefully before carefully putting down his books.

"Just grab anything you need. Me and my coworker will just discuss something outside. When I get back here, you should already have finished finding everything you need, or else I will not buy you the latest Nimbus 2000 alright? "

Draco immediately nodded his head while smiling brightly while watching his father and his colleagues walk out for a talk. After his father's silhoute was gone, Draco sighed in relief and started looking for the other books he needed when he suddenly felt a slight stinging pain on his nape. He closes his eyes before carefully touching his mark while hissing because of the burning pain he's feeling and when suddenly a very attractive floral and light citrus aroma invades his nose.

He opened his eyes. He was shocked to see in the mirror in front of him that his steel grey eyes glowed in gold and a string red line glowed floating in front of him. Seeing it was tied up on his pinkie, he turned around to look at the way the red lines turned and he immediately followed it, only resulting from colliding with a smaller stranger.

Yes, little Draco is a good boy here because he's still young) when he noticed that the attractive aromawass coming from the smaller one, specifically the smaller red-haired boy with the brightest and clearest crystal blue eyes, he had ever seen in his entire seven years of life. They're both staring into each other's eyes like there's no tomorrow, and Draco saw the most beautiful scene in his life when he saw how the other's eyes immediately turned into the brightest molden gold color that made his small mouth gape in awe.

The red glowing thread lines began to swirl beautifully, locking the two young boys together and beginning to seal perfectly to each other's pinkie and heart when the glow was suddenly stopped by the hysteric mother, Molly, pulling Ron away from the still shocked Draco.

'Oh god no' Molly murmured in her mind as she realized her youngest and only precious Omega son had already been sealed and fated to be mates with their (Weasleys') one and only family enemy's son, Lucius Malfoy's son.She panicked when she saw the young blonde boy was about to grab her son's hand when she immediately pull out her wand and cast a spell to both of the kids, luckily the young blonde boy's prideful and selfish prick father is out of nowhere.


Molly muttered erasing the blonde boy and her son's certain memories which made the two gasp in surprise before looking at each other again in blank stare and she muttered a small sorry to her son before kissing his forehead and began to whisper a spell again.


With just two spells, the two kids' memories of each other were completely erased, and their fated souls were imprisoned deep within their hearts and minds.

Molly sighed in relief before carrying her youngest son downstairs and immediately pulled her husband and ordered him to pay the books and bring the kids out immediately. Arthur and the kids are worried but immediately comply with the order, before rushing outside to follow the plump redhead woman down to Diagon Alley.

When Arthur made sure that there were only a few people in the alley, he immediately grabbed his wife's wrist before looking at her in surprise, seeing that his wife was crying silently while still hugging carefully their youngest son, who was sleeping softly in her arms.

"Molly dear, what happened?" Arthur asked, concernedly.

Molly looked up at her husband and cried pitifully before looking back at Ron's peaceful sleeping face.

"I'm a horrible mother, Arthur...I-I...."

"Of course not dear, what happened for you to say that?"

Molly look down before looking at her children who's looking at her with their worried expressions before sighing loudly.

"N-Nothing... I'm just scared that...there are already many wizards noticing Ronnie because he's a rare Pureblood Omega... I'm just scared that they will take my baby away from me just for them to take advantage of his gift. "

Arthur smiled at his wife before kissing her forehead and caressing Ron's red auburn hair softly.

"Don't worry, dear; I'm sure his brothers, even Ginny, will protect him no matter what, and besides, we will not let Ronnie be with someone we, especially since he has never trusted anyone, so don't worry okay? Ronnie's still a boy. A very bright and free-willing boy with strong morals. I'm sure he will soon know who he will be with, whether it's a friend or a lover."

Molly nodded and smiled softly before her kids immediately attacked them with big hugs, except Percy, who's still thinking about whether he will join in the family group hug.

Fred, who's turning to look at Percy's way before talking,
"Come on, Percy, don't be like an old grumpy owl and join the hug!"
And with that, Percy, who's still frowning, also joins the hug.

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