Unlikely formed friendship - Ep 2

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● After Four Years ●

"It's the same year after year. Always packed with muggles, of course. " Molly Weasley muttered busily while her five pups were just silently following her to a certain platform.

The now eleven-year-old red-headed omega boy who's named Ron 'Ronald' Weasley was timidly following his mother, brothers, and sister while pushing his own cart, which was loaded with his school books, luggage, and his own little pet scabbers that his older alpha brother Percy gave him in a small handmade muggles carton box beside his luggage, when one of the twins, Fred, offered him some assistance in pushing his cart.

Ron's Point of View

I was just trailing behind my mom and Ginny when Fred insisted on helping me push my cart. He looked down at me before jokingly scolding me like he was my father.
"Hey, Ronniekins! I've told you that I should carry your cart because it's heavy. Now you're too slow. Mom's sure going to kill us if we were left behind by the Hogwarts train. " Fred whispered before we both turned around, hearing mom's voice calling for our elder brother Percy.
"Come on. Platform 934 is this way! All right, Percy, you first. " Mom motioned for Percy to go first, and Percy steps forward and runs towards a brick wall, eventually diving into it.Fred was about to tell me some jokes when his name was called.

"Fred, you're up next."

Our Mom was just about to walk when George immediately thought of a bright idea to prank our Mom in the midst of a busy day.

"Hey, he's not Fred, I am!" George mimicked Fred's talking voice, and Fred immediately came to join in George's silly prank.

"Honestly, lady, you call yourself a mother."My twin brother Fred proclaimed, which made me roll my eyes a little annoyed by my twin brothers' quite annoying personalities.

"Oh, I'm sorry, George." Mom said she is still quite frustrated because of the busy schedule. Fred moves towards the wall and cheekily looks back at our mom's direction before talking.

I'm only joking. I am Fred. " He exclaims and runs through the wall, and is followed by George. Mom just shook her head in annoyance and was about to call me when she was abruptly interrupted by a certain raven-haired with emerald green eyes young boy's warm voice, which I believe was the same age as me but quite smaller than me, wearing round muggle glasses, asking my mom.

Excuse me! Could you tell me how to-" The boy didn't finish his words when the mom interrupted him.

How to get on the platform? Yes, not to worry, dear. It's Ron's first trip to Hogwarts as well. " Mom said to the boy and pointed at me to introduce me to the boy, and when the boy's deep emerald green eyes looked at me before giving me a small sincere smile. I feel my face flush a little in shyness and just throw small waves as an answer before looking down to my luggage in awkwardness. Luckily, mom gets the boy's attention again by explaining how to pass through the brick wall.

"Now, all you've got to do is walk straight at the wall between platforms nine and ten. "Best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous."

My younger sister shyly gave a small good luck to the certain green-eyed, which made me roll my eyes again before just looking back at Mom and the boy again.

The green-eyed brunette took a deep breath before running through the wall, which made me sigh in relief.

I turned to my mom and she just gestured to me next. I was about to pass through the wall when Mom suddenly embraced me from behind and caressed my face gently before giving me a small kiss on my forehead, which made me frown in curiousity because Mom only does those gestures if she's really worried about something or someone.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2022 ⏰

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