Death Looks Me In The Eyes

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I slowly back up into the wall of the arena. Pressing my head and hands as close as I can against it. My breath quickens and my heart races. Raven stands in front of me. She is different. Blood thirsty and wild. I slide down the wall into a sitting position with my eyes showing submission. Still pressing my body up against the wall trying to get away. To escape death. Terrified, horrified, and shaking.

I bring my knees to my chest and put my head down baring my neck. Even if I had a chance to survive (which I did not), I could never bring myself to hurt her. I was not going to fight back, no matter what. I stared at my mothers journal. Had she died the same way? By the hands of someone she cared about? Tears stung my eyes I did not bother to hold them back. This might be the last time I got to cry. I dared a quick glance up at her. Eyes swirling red and glazed over. She was talking to her wolf. Was she fighting back or was she agreeing how they would kill me? I see her teeth sharpen. I squeeze my eyes shut tears streak my face. I slowly put my head in my lap again listening to the cheers of the crowd above.

Whimpering I wait for the pain. Within seconds my neck feels like it has been torn to pieces. I gasp as blood pools and runs down my shirt and spilling onto the floor and wall of the arena. She rakes her claws on my shoulder and stomach. More blood. Everywhere there is blood.

I hear words float to my ears, "Thank you," it says creeply. I start coughing up blood. My eye sight blurs and I hear the crowd cheering. They wanted to see blood and Raven was going to give it to them... Happily.


 This is not Raven... This is not Raven...

 Is it? Is that really her?

 No it's not fight these thoughts!!

 But it is so easy to believe...

 Fight them! This is not you!

 But it is so easy... so easy...

 Fight them!


The voices dim and I wake up slowly. I realize that I was dreaming. I blink a few times the world coming into focus. I was being shaken. Lights sting my eyes still on the floor as I see who was shaking me. Two people are still in the arena. Apparently the janitors. I sit up best I can putting my head in my right hand. My neck is slowly healing. I have no clue how long I was there for. Reaching to my side where the journal should have been but I only find empty space and the hard packed dirt of the arena floor.

"H-hey where did that notebook go?" I ask looking around frantically.

"That girl picked it up and left with it in hand." He says shrugging and helping me up off the floor. I must have looked crest fallen because I felt that way. I walk over to the door were I came out and wait for it to open.

 Have I already become one of their little robots?

 No, but lets make them believe that you have. Crimson says to me. Nodding in my head I cut the mind link and walk into the darkness towards my waiting cell.


Please go read Ravens point of view from "Raven" and "Gone" KuteKittyKat8265 she is an amazing writer and has several more amazing books. Please, please, please go read her story!! Thanks for reading :)

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