Chapter-2: Diplomacy

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"But furthermore, for them to confess that the big airplane was from them might mean something." He said as he walked off from his desk.

"Admiral, where are you going?" Asked the adjutant.

"To the capital, where a government meeting about this matter is being held. I will be reporting this to them before any of those old geezers make a bad decision and turn this opportunity for a strong ally into the trash bin!" He said as he left the room and immediately left the Naval base for the Qua-Toyonese capital.

Present: [Qua-Toyne, Government Conference Area, Lotus building].

In the Qua-Toyonese capital is the Lotus building, it's called as such due to its shape nearly resembling that of a Lotus flower, on its front is a military staff car with the Admiral of the Qua-Toynese navy, which immediately dismounted the second the vehicle stopped and entered the building.

[Outside of Conference Room A]

"Please wait a moment, people with no clearance cannot enter the conference room." Said one elf looking man who tried to stop the Admiral but was stomped over by the man who has a giant frame and then barged into the conference room.

Upon entering the room and with the government ministers surprised, the Admiral came to stop just before the table and the ministers and gave a crisp salute.

"Chief Admiral of the Navy, what is the meaning of this!?" Shouted one of the ministers who was besides the giant man of an Admiral.

"Can it foreign minister, no time to wally over you and you should also hear this." Said the Admiral with a smirk.

"Why you little rascal! Do you have any idea what you're saying to a government minister!?" The foreign minister retorted.

"Stop it Yancey!" The man ordered before looking back at the naval officer and said. "Admiral I take this is a very urgent matter that there's no need for you to send a magi-telegram to us and the need for you to barge in our meeting." Said an elf looking person in a fancy suit.

"Yes Prime Minister, I shall report new information regarding the airspace violation of Maihark and the large vessels spotted in our territorial waters." The man said as he recalled what just happened about two hours ago.

"Oh, do enlighten us Admiral, any new information regarding what happens in Maihark." Said the Prime Minister in an inquisitive tone.

"Currently the large vessels that are being escorted by the navy and the reported large flying unit that violated Maihark Airspace, have identified themselves as belonging to a transferred country." The naval officer began. "And that they want to apologize for violating Maihark's airspace." He then continued.

"A transferred country you say?!" Reacted the minister for Agriculture.

"Admiral, what is the name of the transferred country?" Asked the minister of finance.

"The diplomats on board the ships identify themselves as part of the country named Friesholan." Said the Naval officer as he recalls the report he read on the way to the capital.

"A country named Friesholan? I don't know if they might be doing some suspicious things in their mainland and might invade us, just escort them out of Qua-Toyonese waters and turn them away!" Said the foreign minister which triggered the Admiral who he always viewed the foreign minister as an annoying bureaucrat.

"With that kind of hostile action, they still wanted to apologize for what they did? What kind of thoughts are running through their minds, I wonder?" Commented the minister of education.

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