Chapter 1 - The rightful heir

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Spring 1495

There was a time in the kingdom of Joseon where a pregnancy could be as much a blessing as a curse.

The Crown Princess Consort Sinui had a feeling early on that her pregnancy would be one she should handle with caution. That's why she managed to leave the royal palace just a few days before delivering with a very few amounts of trusty maids.

In the intimacy of a secluded secondary royal house, she gave birth to a boy.

"Mama," her personal first maid inquired her voice full of worry, "there's one more..."

The Crown Princess Consort smiled through the pain, not even surprised by the announcement. Her body had felt the two lives growing inside of her long ago. And that was the exact reason she had troubled herself with the long trip in the countryside of the kingdom.

She knew what having twins meant for her babies. They were seen as a very ominous sign and a king couldn't have a twin living around. One of her children would've been killed if she had gave birth at the palace.

Here she was in control. She had ordered to be giving birth alone with her trusty maid Kim In-sop and her daughter In-soon.

She heard the sharp cry echoed in the air announcing her second child arrival. It was a vigorous scream, one that was meant to be heard from afar. One with a purpose.

"It's a girl your highness."

"A boy and a girl. What a blessing", she smiled.

The midwife looked at the children with sorrow, "a blessing they were born here or one would already be dead. Only one can come back to the palace."

Sinui kissed both infants on their head as they were placed on her.

"The girl will stay here until we can sneak her back into the palace when she's older," She said her eyes fixed on the little baby whose eyes were wide opened.

"She is meant to a great destiny," she added. " somehow I can feel how strong her aura is."

She then looked at the little boy who was already fast asleep, "they both are here for a purpose. They will be named Jinsoo for the boy and the girl will be Jisoo."

The newly named litte girl let out a powerful high pitch scream in response.

"Yi Jisoo, the flourishing and gorgeous girl with the will for justice and righteousness. This name is just perfect for her."

"Hopefully she'll be strong enough for what comes for her Mama," In-sop wished outloud.

"I'll make sure she is!" Sinui said kissing once more her child. "In-soon will be the one taking care of her until I find a safe way to let her in the palace with us. She just had a son too she'll be able to provide for both infants."

The midwife and her daughter just nodded respectfully.

They did as said, returning with the baby boy while leaving Jisoo behind.

Times passed by both infants growing apart from each other with the best care, education and love from their mother.


Winter 1506

"Seja jeoha," In-sop welcomed the royal highness the Crown prince as he entered the room.

His son's body was shivering on the bed, fat drops of sweat all over his body.

Sinui looked at her husband, tears in her eyes.
"I think I should take him back to the countryside," she let out silently. "He will need the fresh air to recover."

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