Chapter 2 - the return of a prince

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Spring 1511

"Jisoooo! Ya! Stop! Stop, I give up," the teen boy winced under the girl strong lock on his arm. The girl just giggle as she released him from the grip.

"Haein - ah," the girl pinched her friend's cheek while pursuing "this training ain't funny if I always ends up beating you."

The boy who was still in pain, didn't even bother to respond to the provocative girl.

Jisoo wasn't having it though still wanting to tease her friend. "Come on give me something hyung," she whined. "Fight back!"

Haein smiled "How are you so strong! That's insane you're the first girl I know to be that strong."

"Shhhh," Jisoo pressed a finger on her friend's mouth, looking around to see if someone had heard. "You know the rules. Never refer to me as anything than prince Yi Jisoo," she said serious before adding playfully this time, " a very beautiful and strong young boy haha. And beside I'm the only girl you know Pabo-ya."

Haein freed himself from the girl once more.

"Yeah, yeah but we're alone here Jisoo," he said as the girl was still watching around. "In this house, there's just you, me and my mom and sometimes those tutors the majesty sent to you for practice."

Jisoo nodded to confirm her bestfriend's words. "I know but we still has to be cautious. My mom has great expectations from me and I can't fail her. One day, we will have to return to the palace of Joseon and we can't make any mistake so let's just start from here and get use to it."

"OK I won't refer to you as such anymore don't worry," haein reassured her patting her head in the process, earning a slap on his hand from the girl.

"Idle - ha !" They heard In-soon scream for them to comeback.

"Last will do 200 pumps!" Jisoo yelled as she started running, quickly followed by haein who was complaining about the fairness of the competition when she started running first.

In-soon watched them from afar. They weren't babies or kids anymore. They were two beautiful teens now. She couldn't believe how fast it all went by since they had to stay in this secluded house.

Jisoo had changed the most in those last 4 years she had to take charge as her late twin brother Yi Jinsoo. She had trained so hard, anyone who didn't know the kid as much as she did wouldn't doubt that she was a boy. Even herself was tricked sometimes.

That was good she thought to herself swifting the letter in her hand, the hardest part was about to happen soon.

"Idle - ha," she received the two out of breath teens. "The time has come for us to enter the royal scene. I have receive a letter from your mother Jisoo-ssi. Your grandfather had passed and your dad is about to be Crown as king of Joseon. He asks for the return of his son by his side. His legitimacy is being questioned as the next heir hasn't been seen since 4 yours now. He wants to present you back to the court my dear. You'll be officially introduced with your grown-up name, Yi Jisoo."

Jisoo's heartbeat speeded up in her chest. The moment had come. She will finally meet her dad for the first time in sixteen years and she will actively have to fake her identity as the Crown prince too.

It was getting so real but she'll own up to the task.

"I'm ready," she simply stated straightening her stand as haein watched his friend sorrow in his eyes.

He always knew that moment would come but he wasn't willing to. He likes being here just the three of them. He didn't need no one else to be happy.

But he knew how much the girl wanted to  regain the position she wasn't allowed to have at her birth.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2022 ⏰

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