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I realised how much work and stress is put into hosting awards so I decided to stop. I'm sorry guys... 😭😭


Anyways. I added a new rule and I need to make sure the old participants understand it and are still willing to be a part of this awards. 

This is it 


"You have to read three chapters of your allocated judge's book. Then leave a few comments."

The reason for this is that the judges are going to put a lot of time and effort into reading five chapters of your book, and honestly, they deserve to be given a big thank you.


Guys, one book for fantasy has been redrawn. Hence, there is an available spot for it. 


Also, the judging phases are going to begin soon. Slots are beginning to fill up very quickly like WOW 😲😲. And I have judges (not all but a good amount) that are needed.  Hence, the Romance and Short-story judging are going to start soon, because all slots are filled as well as judges. 

Lastly, go check out the deadline chapter as it has been updated. I'm sorry if I made anyone upset when they read the first lines of this chapter 😂😂

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