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Son of Death
Daughter of War
Shall head west
Pass the land without rain
Where there lies new banes
Who shall seek to settle a score
War and Death united at last
Will reverse the pass
Nine half bloods shall answer the call
Daughter of the King and Son of Thieves
In the land of the gods against the odds
Where two cursed blades
Will end this War



Just posting again incase for those who didn't read the first book United Again. This book is the squeal to United Again but it features the other demigods and Magicians so I'll be going back and forth.

It won't be completely about Reynico anymore but they are still in it my Children. I'm not cutting them out of it, because I Fricking love them. You'll see how it works out.

So anyway I missed you guys! And thanks for your support and comments love you. The real first chapter is already up.


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