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See author note. I have some explaining to do.

Leo spreads the blue prints of the Argo. Rubbing his chin hard he scans over it serval times.

"Man, I was rusty." Leo chuckle to himself and pulls out serval tools from his belt as well as nuts and bolts, "I should have used a little more steel."

He starts to build the smaller things for the ship tonight before he can't start anything larger the next morning. Halfway through the structure for the engine the door creeks. At first he believes it's Calypso but the person that comes into view causes his breath to disappear.

"Mamà." He said letting the wrench slip from his grasp, clattering loudly to the floor.

She doesn't respond back but she was smiling so big it reaches her eyes. She is in her work uniform, the night she-

Leo shakes his head to try to rid the thought. She was directly in front of him her scent was surrounding him.
Without a second thought he wraps his arms around her and she wraps her arms around him in return.

"I'm so happy you're back." He said into her shoulder and a single tear escapes.

She still hasn't said anything but Leo smelled something different. Fire. His eyes snap open and the whole work room was engulfed in flames. The flames licked up the walls and wood rained down.

Leo pulls his mom closer shielding her body with his own the fire won't harm her but the wood coming down could. He feel a slight warmness coming from his mom and saw she was on fire.

He took a step back in surprise, "What..."

She stood in the center of the room engulfed in flames and one word coming out her mouth over and over softly, "Leo."

But it wasn't in her voice but it was in Calypso, it rose to a scream when he dropped to his knees. Both hands covering his ears, "It's a nightmare."

"Leo!" Calypso yells as his vision clears and her cinnamon color hair ticking his face as she kneeled over him, "I will strike you!"

"Calm it sunshine." Leo said managing a small grin, but his heart was slamming against his ribs. His heart beating faster and faster.

"You are not well." She said helping him into a stool. Calypso walks over to the bathroom and wets a wash cloth and pushes it to his forehead, as they stare into each other eyes, "Speak."

"It was nothing, you know the usual Giants and Gaea and the unlimited ways I could die." Leo said shrugging and lying.

Her eyes narrow but do not lose their softness, "You do not speak the truth."

"It's hard for me to talk about, Sunshine." Leo said looking down but her hand is gripping his chin gently lifting his gaze to level hers.

"I understand." Calypso said and places a kiss on his cheek, "While I'm here, what needs to be done?"

Leo actually smiles, "I need the side of the-"

Something rocks the ground hard. The tools clatter on the table some falling off. Calypso grips a beam to steady herself but another powerful waves causes them both to fall.

"My Great grandmother." She scowls bitterly, "She attempts to wake."

"Great this early." Leo said attempting to pull himself up but fails. The large wood toward the top of the ceiling breaks in half, the broken half swinging toward the pair.

Calypso shoves Leo out the way and backs herself up as Leo scrambles inside his tool belt. She barely missed the wide beam herself. Then as suddenly as the shaking starts it stops.

Mount OlympusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora