woman arachnid and phantom scout first mission

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Rarity and petra carry crates by hand toward back of the cart in the courtyard and placed it then petra spider sense tingling.

Rarity: "what's wrong ms. Ral?"

Petra: "I sense someone with us right now in the courtyard."

"That's correct ms. Ral."

They turn around fast to begin screaming little bit at someone, it was meta knight himself and they calm down after that.

Petra: "warn us next time, alright meta knight."

Rarity: "what are you doing here?"

Meta knight: "captain sentry sent me here to give you two a mission."

Rarity: "what kind of mission is it?"

Meta knight: "you two go to san fansokyo from big hero 6 universe to keep eye out for genius boy named hiro Hamada been getting bots fighting everywhere in city and it's totally legal gambling match. Just go over there tomorrow night and team up with super girl, captain eldian, wasp, and green lantern."

Rarity: "sound good meta knight."

Eren and his friends arrived at courtyard to check on rarity and petra if they okay but they spotted meta knight with them.

Indigo: "yo meta knight. Long time no see."

Lemon: "hey. How sunset and the girls doing lately."

Meta knight: "they're great and going to college next Thursday."

Sunset: "wonderful.

Eren: "I haven't see them for long time. Let's go see them on Sunday."

Applejack: "good idea eren except for the shimmers just moved at everfree town."

Eren: "me, mikasa, armin, reiner, and sasha Visit them over there. Rest of you guys see rainbow dash and rest of them at canterlot city."

Christa blushed, "i'm finally see my ymir at her place in canterlot city. I wonder she doing."

Indigo: "easy there Christa. We going to ask captain Levi and commander Erwin first."

Bertholdt: "good point there Indigo."

"What's up dudes."

They turn around at castle front entrance to see negasonic teenage warhead and her girlfriend, Yukio when meta said to them with polite, "can I help you ladies."

Negasonic teenage warhead: "me and my girlfriend want to join section 17."

Reiner: "welcome to the team, you two."

Pinkie: "what's your names?"

Negasonic teenage warhead: "Negasonic teenage warhead."

Sour sweet: "Negasonic-teenage-what the-shit?"

Rainbow: "that's coolest name ever."

Yukio: "I'm Yukio and girlfriend of Negasonic teenage warhead."

Petra: "aww that's sweet."

On top of wall rose with two scouts and moblit cleaned up the cannons for a second and stop heard something in the right, "sinistea." They turn right to see black tea pokemon named sinistea just floating in front of them.

Scout #1: "who's that pokemon?"

Moblit pull put galar pokedex from his right pocket to turn on reveal a screen of sinistea to scan for 3 seconds and image appears with male computer voice, "sinistea, black tea pokemon. Ghost type. This pokemon is said to have been born when a cold, leftover cup of tea."

Scout #2: "welcome to trost district, little buddy."

Sinistea: "sinistea."

[New chapter is out for today, here's the picture of Negasonic teenage warhead and Yukio from deadpool 2.]


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