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Hello again my ducklings and welcome to ANOTHER story by yours truly! This story is about how two completely different guys come to find love for eachother. Since Beeduo is my comfort ship and has been my hyper fixation for reading and writing here is another one- there will be a lot more Beeduo books in the future as well but who knows- maybe I'll make an original kinda story :) Anyways I should actually do the intro huh.. Well here we go!

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Two men with opposite personalities meet at a flower shop.. One is a quiet worker and the other is an energetic common flower lover at the shop. Ranboo works at the flower shop. Tubbo is a flower loving person who goes there to look at the flowers and start conversations with Ranboo. Even though Ranboo is very closed off and normally never talks to people he finds it easy to speak with the short man. The two normally only speak about flowers and the best way to grow them. Soon enough their relationship starts to blossom like a flower in the spring.. Maybe it will turn into a beautiful love for eachother as time goes on..

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Tubbo Underscore.

Age 22.

Likes flowers, bees, going out, parties, talking to people and music!

Does not have a label for his sexuality and just dates who he wants.

Goes by He/Him pronouns.

Dislikes silence, rude people, (ex. Homophobic/transphobic and racists ect.)

Works online (I can't think of an online job for him for the life of me apologies)

Ranboo Beloved.

Age 22

Likes quiet places, flowers, music and going on night walks or watching stars (this will play into the story :D). And fictional/fantasy creatures.

Goes by He/They pronouns.

Dislikes loud situations, big groups of people, rude people (Same as the list in tubbos for rude people.)

Works in the flower shop.

Tommy Minecraft.

Age 21

Likes parties, talking to people, Natasha and music.

Goes by He/Him pronouns

Dislikes Rude people (I'm not going over this again) Silence, his job, and his family (/j)

Works in an office

Natasha Dean (We are bringing her back again!!!!)

Age 21

Likes parties, being social, Tommy, reading and drawing.

Goes by She/Her pronouns

Dislikes rude people, to much socializing, loud situations

Works at the flower shop as well

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Extra Characters mentioned here and there.


Techno (R.I.P)





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Here is your intro! Hope you guys are excited for this story cause I know I am! And of course I had to bring Natasha back again cause I just love her- Ik she is an oc I made just so I had someone to ship with Tommy in this but still I love her lol. Also these are like a mix of their irl and dsmp characters! No I am not shipping the irl people I will state this in every book. No there will be no smut even though the cc's are adults it's going past boundaries. I'm basing the relationship around their cannon one before Ranboo died in the lore. And no their relationship wasn't platonic at the time I'm basing the relationship around. They have stated it started off platonic but their characters fell for each other over time so it wasn't just for tax reasons anymore. Also Ima refer to Aimsey as They/Them just for good measure lol. Just so you know if you haven't read any of my other stories I try to take it slow but I sometimes rush it- I'm hoping I'll be able to take this a lot slower so I can get more out of these ideas. Anyways that's the end of the intro! Make sure you care for yourselves. Drink water, eat some food and get some sleep. Don't bottle up your feelings, just let them out in healthy ways! Till next time my ducklings! Love you guys. <3

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