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~POV of Ranboo Beloved~



I grogally sat up in bed sleepily looking for my phone in the sheets and blankets of my bed. I hardly paid any mind to the caller ID before answering.

"Hello..?" I spoke sleepily into the phone rubbing my eyes with my free hand.

Natasha's calm yet stern voice rang through the speaker. "Ranboo! You overslept again. You need to come in asap!"

It took me a moment to realize what Nat had told me. "Crap.. Sorry sorry- I didn't go to bed till late-" I grumbled as I tossed my blankets and sheets off my body shivering slightly at the loss of warmth.

"It's ok Ran but hurry up. Today is our busiest day, cya in 20," before I could say bye Natasha hung up the phone.

I sighed as I placed my phone on the nightstand and went to my closet. I picked out an outfit that went by our rules at the flower shop I worked at. Once I slipped on my jeans I looked in the mirror and straightened up the cuffs on my white button up and the collar as well. I grabbed some jewelry such as rings and a necklace. Soon enough I was putting on a necklace with a purple accented dragon on it to go with the black, white and silver rings I wore with the outfit. Grabbing my phone after putting on some white converse I drew on, I was grabbing my wallet, keys and my rose tinted sunglasses before I was out the door, shutting and locking it behind me before going to my car. (He drives a black BMW 8501 Convertible for reference-) I unlocked my car and climbed in before setting my things in the middle console and pressing the start button on the car. I listened to it come to life before shifting gears and pulling out of the driveway with my arm over the passenger seat so I could see behind me. I never trusted those back up cameras. I know I sound old doing so but I prefer what I know and not a camera. I pulled onto the street quickly shifting gears again and drove off, down the smoothly paved road. I turned on the radio flipping through stations till I found one I liked and hummed along with the melody. Tapping my fingers lightly against the wheel as I drove which caused the rings on my fingers to make interesting noises.

After a little while I saw the flower shop come into view. I sped up slightly before slowing down to pull into a parking space. I pressed the start button again, turning off the car and grabbed my things from the middle console before getting out and locking the car. I rushed inside the store as I put on my sunglasses as we had a sun roof for the front half of the store where all the flowers were and that's where I happened to spend most of my time at work. I have gotten quite tan over my time working here due to working under the sun roof for hours. Once I had my sunglasses on I ran into someone and we both took a few steps backwards.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry!" I apologized before looking up and realized I ran into Natasha.

She sighed before replying, "It's ok Ranboo don't worry about it. Anyways thanks for finally coming. We have a group of people coming in to pick up an order we finished last night, remember?"

I nodded, "Yeah I remember don't worry. Anyways I should bring those out huh.."

I only got a nod from Nat before she got back to sweeping which I didn't notice the broom in her hands till she hit my feet with the end of it. I shook my head playfully as I walked to the back to retrieve the assorted flowers me and Nat put together last night after we closed up. Before I started to grab anything I put on an apron in case dirt or water came from the plants we were handling. I picked up two pretty heavy buckets of arranged bouquets. There was about 8 bouquets per bucket that held water in the bottom to keep the colorful flowers alive, they smelled wonderful. In fact the whole shop smelt amazing with all the different fragrances from the different breeds of flowers. I carried the two buckets out to the counter and set them on top before going back to grab the other two, soon enough I came out with the other two buckets and put them on the counter as well. I checked all of the bouquets for any flaws, dead leaves or odd petals. I heard the bell on the door ring indicating someone had some in. A small group of people walked into the store and I walked out from behind the counter to greet them as Nat was busy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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