The things you said

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" If you stopped eating so much or stopped eating fatty foods then maybe you could get somewhat skinny,  but with the way you were just eating your blood will stop flowing and you will need a new heart within a year"

" If you would listen then maybe you could get in better shape or loose weight like ____"

" If you would actually start working out and eating less and eating better then maybe you would actually
be able to do more with your life"

" your lazy"

" you are a pig"

"It's goning to be to late for you to and tou are going to end up like_____ ,overweight with health problems"

" piggy piggy"

"getting bigger"

"putting on some pounds"

" eating a lot again"

"workout more"

"you gonna eat all that"

"you shouldn't wear that"

Those were all things said to me or about me by the same man but what I find weird is the exact same man also said

" lost to much weight"

"getting skinny"

" never eats"

"diet worked to fast"

"lost _in a week, gross"

"looks to different"

I can't say there is a middle ground where I am good enough because there's not, I'm always doing something wrong. I've tried so hard to be even okay in his eyes but I can't. No matter what I do or how I look it's not good enough. When he says I need to gain some weight I do but then it's to much so he makes sure I know that and poof I lose some weight. I have been every weight there is with in a 35 pound range of ___ pounds . I have been healthy, I have been average, I have been a bit bellow what I should be and I have been a bit above what I should be, I have been in shape, I have been out of shape, I've even been what one would consider fit. Have any of them been good enough? No, never, not once have I ever been just right nor will I ever be.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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