Chapter 2: Arrival At Cron

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It had been a harsh 14-hour battle against the tides across the Moonlight Sea. The most infamous sea known to civilization and home to the ferocious creatures called Chakra, nobody sane would dare attempt a crossing, though only the insane would stay back in Sistensia.

They'd lost everything, abandoning their homes, dreams, and lives to start afresh on this ticking time bomb of an island.

However, beyond the gloomy faces and aching bodies, three young boys looked towards Mount Cronin with sparkling eyes. This was a new beginning for them.

Kidan, Zeib, and Opara were their names. With messy hair and bruised arms, they still smiled brightly, though they had always been like that, even though the crisis of the eruption, which was dubbed "The First Great Eruption" by someone higher up in the village.

As villagers with small crates and blankets slowly followed one another, the three ran off ahead to explore this new land. picking up rocks, kicking the gravel below their feet at each other, and laughing, oblivious to the reality of events.

"Hey, why does everyone look so gloomy?" Kidan asked the other two, scratching at his lower leg.

"Hah, they're just grumpy that they had to leave their nice houses behind. They can always build new ones," Zeib chuckled.

"Maybe there are monsters on the island, though... I'd be scared too if there is," muttered Opara, itching at some sand that found its way into his eye.

"Hmm, when everything gets sorted, let's find something to do!" Kidan said after a short pause, running off as the other two followed.

The entire village had settled on a vast, empty plain, with trees and small hills sitting along the horizon and Mt. Cronin casting its gaze over all. Despite the lack of energy and morbid atmosphere, most people worked hard. The development of shelters was essential to their longevity.

Meanwhile, the trio sat by the transport crates, playing Rock Paper Scissors to see who could come out on top, uninterested in the chaotic surroundings.

"Hey, guys... What are you doing?"

The voice came from a shorter boy with long hair drooping over his eyes.

"Oh, hi, Kuma! We're playing rock paper scissors. Wanna join?" Opara answered, having lost his match against Zeib.

"Again? Don't you guys want to come and speak to the girls with me?"

"Oh stop, Kuma, all you ever do is chase the girls.." Zeib sighed, refocusing on his current rock-paper-scissors match against Kidan.

"You're missing out; I'm gonna marry them one day! I heard they're making new clothes."

"Enjoy!" Opara waved as Kuma ran off before turning to watch the match between the other two.

"Jin-elder... Many of us are still tired from the journey, and there is not enough strength amongst people to construct houses that will withstand more than a few weeks."

"Then what is there to do?" Growled the older man, stroking his long grey beard before his visibly worried assistant.

"I am... Not sure, sir."

The elder frowned at his answer. It was true that there was no solution to their lack of knowledge of the area and the island. But most of all, they lacked food.

Most of the animals they had found on the island had been far mightier than expected, with one deer severely injuring 4 of the village's best hunters. The situation hadn't been this dire since they crossed the Moonlight Sea. Though they had worse problems. 


Larger than the ones they expected to find. Not to mention their strength. The wolves were extremely cunning and violent, with no warning for their onslaught other than deep howling. As it was, nobody could contest them. So, the minimal livestock the villagers had suffered to herd were sacrificed for the good of the people.

"How goes Furenkai's recovery... Will he be able to help?"

This question came out softly from the man. Only the high-ranking officials knew of Furenkai's situation. He was the best swordsman in the village, the 'hero' of the crossing to Cron Island. Single-handedly forcing back Shakra to prevent further casualties. Of course, not without his own battle scars.

"I'm afraid it's still not too good, sir... It seems it may be some time before he fully recovers, but-"

"But?" The elder cut in, turning to stare desperately into his assistant's eyes for his answer.

"W-well, his son is learning what he can from his father when he is awake, but progress is slow."

"Is that right? That boy has potential, though it will be some time before he meets his father's level." He frowned, expecting something more hopeful, but accepted that this was as good as it gets.

"Yo, yo, yo. So what is it you called us here, Kid? It better be important. I was building a mini house out of straw..." Grumbled Zeib, his gaze following the puffy clouds floating above

"It better be..." Opara agreed, letting out a small yawn.

"I keep seeing a forest not far from here. Let's explore!"

"Oh, that doesn't sound too bad of an idea," Opara said brightly,

"If it means I can sleep, then that's ok. Better than this boring place." Zeib grinned.

"Alright then, let's go on an adventure!"

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