Chapter 2

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"....Austin." Victoria realizes who she bumped into.

"Haha, yeah. That's me. And I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Just kinda lost in my thoughts there for a second."

"Oh, no. You're okay. Totally my fault. I shouldn't have been paying so close attention to my phone."

"You're fine. No worries. You're Victoria, right?"

"Um, yeah. How do you know my name?"

"I saw your little interview from the premier the other night. It was...sweet."

"Oh, well, thanks for thinking it was sweet. I really did grow up watching you on TV."

"I love that. Are you auditioning for the new movie?"

"Yeah, I actually got a callback for a chemistry reading later on today. With you, I assume?"

"Uh, yeah, probably. They want me to do one more audition, but they pretty much already gave me the role."

"Oh, okay. Well, I'm gonna head out for some lunch but I guess I'll see you soon." Victoria says with a smile.

"Yeah, I'll see you soon." Austin smiles back.

Victoria walks out, melting on the inside from his smile. And of course just absolutely freaking out.

She calls Eliana rather than texting her. The big news just became bigger.

"Hey babe, what's up?" Eliana says answering.

"I just met Austin."

"You WHAT?!"

"I met Austin!" Victoria covers her mouth before she starts to lose her shit. "I also already got a callback for later on to do a chemistry read!"

"Holy shit! That's amazing, Vic! How was he? Was he nice?"

"He was so nice! He even knew my name! He said he saw my interview from the premiere, and thought what I said was really sweet."

"Oh my gooooddd. That's amazing."

"I know. I can't believe this is happening right now."

Victoria finished up her conversation with Eliana & grabbed some lunch real quick before heading back.

"Victoria, you can come back in." Sarah called out for you again.

As soon as she went back into the audition room, she was greeted with a smile from Austin, making her heart flutter.

"Nice to see you again, Victoria." Austin says.

"Oh, you've met?" Anna asks.

"We actually bumped into each other earlier." Vic mentions. "Nice to see you too." she gives him a shy smile.

Anna goes ahead & goes over the process of the audition. "I'll have you guys go over that scene where Jake shows up at Allison's door. When we get to the kissing, you'll go head & do it. This is all about the chemistry, and kissing is apart of that. Ready?"

Victoria & Austin nod their heads in agreement.

Anna reads the parentheses off the script, "Allison opens up the door to her townhouse."

"What are you doing here?" Victoria says, starting the scene.

"I don't know, honestly." Austin replies, saying his line.

"You don't know? What do you mean you don't know?"

"I don't know. I was just - I was just walking around town and something just lead me here."

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