Never Satisfied

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September 17, 2022
9:44 PM

I told my younger sister that I wanted to dye my hair again.

And she said;

"Tapos hindi ka ulit ma sa-satisfy?"

And I answer;

"Well, dear younger sister. Human beings never been satisfied."


It's true.

We, humans, by nature, will never be satisfied.

That's why we keep inventing new things.

Keep searching new answers.

Keep finding new ways.

Because we couldn't settle with what we have.

We want more.

We always wanted more.

When telephone was invented did we stop?

Did we become satisfied with just talking to someone over the wired telephone?


Instead we created a new device.

A new invention.

To make our life easier.


But did we stop inventing?


Did we become satisfied?


It's true that it did help us.

It did become our life easier.

But even if our life is now easier,

We still keep looking, striving, searching for more.

We still keep inventing.

We invent machines.

We invent robots.

For what?

To make our life easier?


But because we still aren't satisfied.

So we couldn't stop searching, looking, inventing for more.

We will never stop.

Heck we're not even satisfied living on earth!

We even search for another planet to live.

That's why,

We humans, will never be satisfied.

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