I Pity My Father

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September 21, 2022
10:45 AM

I pity my father.

Not because he doesn't have the privilege to go to school and only finished grade school,

Not because he doesn't have friends and have a big ego,

Not because he doesn't have a job and only rely on my mother.

But because he was treated like nothing.

I pity him,

Whenever he stays quiet at my older brother's shout and curse at him,

I pity him,

Whenever he just accepts my older brother's order.

I pity him,

Whenever my mother bad mouth him to others

I pity him,

Whenever he look at me and ask me if I have eaten yet.

I pity him,

When I saw how he tried to sell his 'maruya', 'kanin' and 'palamig'

Only for my older brother to mock and belittle him

I pity him,

Whenever I tried to support his small business

He will just say to take whatever I want for free.

And it hurts me,

To see how broken he is.

I wanted to help him,

I wanted to protect him,

But I can't.

Because growing up,

He was mean to us.

He always curse and shout at us.

He emotionally abuse us.

He sometimes beat my older brother.

So I guess this is his karma.

But still,

I pity my father.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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