Chapter 24

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"The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow." -Robert Tew

"So they were after me?" Alexa asked. "Why on earth would they want me?"

The same thing went through my mind repeatedly over and over and over. For the last four days our pack had been on high alert. Three of the five Blood Alpha's had traveled to my territory and we had begun going over all of the information Lorcan and Alexa had given us. I still hadn't figured out what in the hell was going on.

The rogue in the basement was still in my care and the others didn't know yet but he had belonged to Ricker's pack. I wasn't sure what to do or if he still had intel but I would probably have to tell Ricker sooner or later.

"So you say that on these maps that you've seen this was always the area that was circled?" Valdus asked her. Alexa nodded. She was skittish but her determination to overcome her fears was astounding.

"Yes but any map I ever saw... was always upside down. I don't know if it means anything but there was a room that I was never allowed in. I accidentally went in once and the exact same map was hanging on the wall but upside down with that area circled," she said pointing to the map. Her brow furrowed and she tipped her head to the side.

"What is it?" I asked her coming up behind her as she looked at the wall. Her head tipped to the other side as if she was trying to get a different perspective on things. She stepped back a few steps without taking her eyes off the wall.

I stood off to the side and watched her face, her eyes took on an odd glassy, far-away look. It was a little scary looking actually. As I was about to gently shake her Valdus put a hand on my shoulder and shook his head. He put a finger to his lips indicating we should stay quiet.

We stood there for a few minutes as she stood still as stone, her eyes glassed over as she stared at the wall. I was getting impatient, why was she standing there like that? As I was about to shake her back to the present she blinked and shook her head a few times.

"Something's missing," she said softly. She took a few steps forward looking to either side of the map hanging there. "I can't remember what it was!" She said in a frustrated tone.

"It's ok it will come back eventually," I reassured her.

Valdus cleared his throat we looked back at the stocky Italian were. I cocked my eyebrow at him.

"We could always bring a Lycan in...I know it isn't the most pleasant idea but if there is something there she can't recall or remember the Lycan can see it for her. Perhaps if we could get a hold of Onyx ... he always had a soft spot for humans anyway he would be the most gentle with her," Valdus suggested.

Lorcan had walked into the room at that moment along with Rogan. The two of them were imposing and just being in their presence was enough to make the other Alpha's feel intimidated, and Blood Alpha's are a hard lot to do that too.

"That would be all good and well but no one had seen or heard from any Lycan's in quite a while. They've even stopped representing themselves at the Were Council meetings," Rogan informed them as he stood near Lorcan whom stood near Alexa. With Lorcan in the room I could feel her relax marginally. She still wasn't at ease around Rogan.

"Speaking of which, where in the hell has the Blood Pack been over the last few decades? Isn't this their domain? Why are you not protecting The Charter?" Ricker said.

"Charter?" Alexa asked confused as she still looked at the map on the wall.

"Ages ago, when the packs were still new, a war erupted. Blood Alpha's, as they are now known as, went to war with each other in an attempt to assert dominance over everyone around them. Back then Were's were more primal, more fierce so their control for dominance was frightening," Rogan began and Lorcan picked up the story.

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